Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Benghazi: "A year ago they begged for Britain’s help," and now they desecrate British war graves

Form Jihad Watch:

Benghazi: "A year ago they begged for Britain’s help," and now they desecrate British war graves

That was the Daily Mail's observation today. The excuse du jour, once again, is the irrational fit of rage over the Qur'an burnings: "The violence was thought to be retaliation, in part, for the burning of the Koran by US soldiers in Afghanistan last month."
Never mind that it was not even British forces who were involved in the incident. Once again, this is a rampage finding its excuse, as the attitudes and inclinations to wreak havoc and destruction when offended preceded the excuse seized upon for doing so.
We have also already seen a growing, demonstrative hostility in Libya to shrines and graves even of minority Muslim sects. The video and report show that this rampage was far more about the crosses (and a Star of David) in the cemetery than anything else.
Here is video, with thanks to Truth101:
More on this story, in the updated report: "Desecrated: The shocking video of Churchill's Desert Rats' graves being smashed to rubble... by the Libyans we helped liberate," by Ian Gallagher and Martin Delgado for the Daily Mail, March 4:
A year ago they begged for Britain’s help when Colonel Gaddafi’s tanks encircled their city, threatening annihilation.
Now former Libyan rebels in Benghazi – liberated with the aid of the RAF last March – have systematically desecrated the graves of more than 150 British servicemen killed in North Africa 70 years ago.
Headstones at the Benghazi War Cemetery have been torn down and crucifixes smashed with hammers by a mob of extremists, some carrying guns and dressed in combat fatigues. [...]
Graves of RAF pilots were among those shattered by the thugs. It was their job to fly bombing raids – just as the RAF did last year – to assist Lieutenant General Montgomery’s Eighth Army and support commandos clearing routes for tanks.
Sickeningly, the attack, which was carried out over two days last week and appeared highly organised, was filmed by one of the men involved and posted on the internet.
As they rampage among the graves, members of the mob are heard to repeatedly say of the dead servicemen: ‘They are dogs, they are dogs.’
The violence was thought to be retaliation, in part, for the burning of the Koran by US soldiers in Afghanistan last month.
Footage shows the mob methodically kicking down grave after grave. Some are then smashed with hammers. ‘Destroy that cross, they are dogs,’cries one hooded rebel.
Another voice is heard saying: ‘We begin with this one then we’ll take care of that other one. We won’t leave any left.’
A few seconds later another extremist says: ‘This tomb has a cross on it – a disbeliever.’
As they discover a Jewish grave bearing the Star of David, one of the men says: ‘Look at what it says on it. There is even Israeli writing . . . in Hebrew.’
And in one of the most disturbing sequences, one protester attaches a ladder to the Cross of Remembrance next to the cemetery. He climbs up it and begins hacking at the memorial with a hammer. Then he shouts: ‘Watch out young people. It’s going to fall.’ The cross is then smashed off...

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