From Winds of Jihad:
Takeover of the ME by the Muslim Brotherhood? Obama planned it, Obama backs it….
by sheikyermami on January 29, 2011
Brigitte Gabriel nails it on Hannity:
67 % of Egyptians are backing an Islamic caliphate, 74 % back a full blown sharia state. Is it any wonder that America’s Muslim POTUS backs “free and fair elections, pluralism and human rights” when the outcome is guaranteed?
WikiLeaks: U.S. Gov‘t ’Secretly Backed’ Egyptian Dissidents Plotting Regime Change
Pamela Geller:
Obama’s Dhimmi Carter Moment
Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi Calls for Regime Change in Muslim Countries
Whitewashing the Brotherhood
Dreck from the eneMedia:
Cairo Source: Islam Is Not Fueling Uprising (flying pigs anyone?)
Its all Bush’s fault, Bush created a false stability by backing a dictatorial regime in Egypt (James Rosen on Shlepard Shlick) Egyptians want democracy and pluralism, (anal-yst) etc etc…..
Oil Set to Skyrocket as Egypt Explodes (certain as death)
Expert Phares: Obama Pushing Egypt to Jihadists

The Marxist Muslim has been planning this all along:
The unrest in Egypt could lead to a Muslim Brotherhood takeover that would shift the U.S. ally away from the Free World and into the arms of jihad, Mideast expert Walid Phares tells Newsmax.TV.
The Obama administration has abandoned those representing the best hope for democracy, the author and terrorism expert says.
“The main concern in the United States is that if the opposition wins . . . and the Muslim Brotherhood are the ones who take over, and that’s only an if, then we’re going to see Egypt shifting away from the relationship with the Free World and actually connecting with the forces of jihad in the region,” he said. Read more on Mideast Expert Phares: Egyptian Turmoil Could Push It Into Jihad hands
Closet Muslim Bruce Riedel: Don’t Fear Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
“The secretive Islamic opposition group has long renounced violence and may be the most reasonable option.”
El Baradai, a Muslim Brother? But of course:
Egypt’s new opposition leader, former International Atomic Energy Agency head Mohamed ElBaradei, has formed a loose alliance with the Brotherhood because he knows it is the only opposition group that can mobilize masses of Egyptians, especially the poor.
“The most problematic issue between the Ikhwan and America will be Israel.”
Nothing new here: Riedel has been pushing this line from way back when:
Dumber than dirt Obama adviser Bruce Riedel: Solve Arab-Israeli conflict, end global jihad
Obama advisor has nightmares over (getting tough on) Pakistan
Riedel is also the advisor who frightened the US into throwing billions of dollars at Paki generals who promptly stole the money…..
Really? Then comes the hammer:
They should not be afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood. Living with it won’t be easy but it should not be seen as inevitably our enemy. We need not demonize it nor endorse it. In any case, Egyptians now will decide their fate and the role they want the Ikhwan to play in their future.
Seriously, to allow a former CIA agent to engage in enemy propaganda (Riedels “opinion” is exactly the position that Fareed Zakaria and every other other Islamo agit-prop pushes) is subversion. Another act of treason against America and the world.
Takeover of the ME by the Muslim Brotherhood? Obama planned it, Obama backs it….
by sheikyermami on January 29, 2011
Brigitte Gabriel nails it on Hannity:
67 % of Egyptians are backing an Islamic caliphate, 74 % back a full blown sharia state. Is it any wonder that America’s Muslim POTUS backs “free and fair elections, pluralism and human rights” when the outcome is guaranteed?
WikiLeaks: U.S. Gov‘t ’Secretly Backed’ Egyptian Dissidents Plotting Regime Change
Pamela Geller:
Obama’s Dhimmi Carter Moment
Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi Calls for Regime Change in Muslim Countries
Whitewashing the Brotherhood
Dreck from the eneMedia:
Cairo Source: Islam Is Not Fueling Uprising (flying pigs anyone?)
Its all Bush’s fault, Bush created a false stability by backing a dictatorial regime in Egypt (James Rosen on Shlepard Shlick) Egyptians want democracy and pluralism, (anal-yst) etc etc…..
Oil Set to Skyrocket as Egypt Explodes (certain as death)
Expert Phares: Obama Pushing Egypt to Jihadists

The Marxist Muslim has been planning this all along:
The unrest in Egypt could lead to a Muslim Brotherhood takeover that would shift the U.S. ally away from the Free World and into the arms of jihad, Mideast expert Walid Phares tells Newsmax.TV.
The Obama administration has abandoned those representing the best hope for democracy, the author and terrorism expert says.
“The main concern in the United States is that if the opposition wins . . . and the Muslim Brotherhood are the ones who take over, and that’s only an if, then we’re going to see Egypt shifting away from the relationship with the Free World and actually connecting with the forces of jihad in the region,” he said. Read more on Mideast Expert Phares: Egyptian Turmoil Could Push It Into Jihad hands
Closet Muslim Bruce Riedel: Don’t Fear Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
“The secretive Islamic opposition group has long renounced violence and may be the most reasonable option.”
El Baradai, a Muslim Brother? But of course:
Egypt’s new opposition leader, former International Atomic Energy Agency head Mohamed ElBaradei, has formed a loose alliance with the Brotherhood because he knows it is the only opposition group that can mobilize masses of Egyptians, especially the poor.
“The most problematic issue between the Ikhwan and America will be Israel.”
Nothing new here: Riedel has been pushing this line from way back when:
Dumber than dirt Obama adviser Bruce Riedel: Solve Arab-Israeli conflict, end global jihad
Obama advisor has nightmares over (getting tough on) Pakistan
Riedel is also the advisor who frightened the US into throwing billions of dollars at Paki generals who promptly stole the money…..
Really? Then comes the hammer:
They should not be afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood. Living with it won’t be easy but it should not be seen as inevitably our enemy. We need not demonize it nor endorse it. In any case, Egyptians now will decide their fate and the role they want the Ikhwan to play in their future.
Seriously, to allow a former CIA agent to engage in enemy propaganda (Riedels “opinion” is exactly the position that Fareed Zakaria and every other other Islamo agit-prop pushes) is subversion. Another act of treason against America and the world.
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