Thursday, June 3, 2010

Non-Violent Actions Of The Third Jihad

From The American Thinker:

June 02, 2010

Non-violent actions of the Third Jihad

Dr. Sam Holliday

The current focus of the Obama administration on violence by Al-Qaeda and its affiliates has caused the true threat to be overlooked. In the future there will be both violent and non-violent actions by the Third Jihad against Western Civilization.

The goal of the Third Jihad, as clearly countenanced by the Koran, is to replace all secular governments from Morocco to Indonesia with a single Great Caliphate that would then be able to achieve the submission of the rest of the world to Islam. At this time probably no more than ten percent of all Muslims are active participants in this world wide movement, but other Muslims have failed to take the necessary action to neutralize these militants. We can hope that Muslims will rise up against the Third Jihad, but there is no evidence that this will happen. Therefore, it is an illusion to think the threat to Western Civilization will end if Western armed forces are withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan, if we avoid identifying the motivation of the teachings of Mohammad, if we "try to understand the peaceful nature of Islam," if we no longer call evildoers evil, and if we apologize for what we has done in the past.

It is time to recognize the non-violent tactics used by the Third Jihad; some of them are:

* Infiltrating and taking over existing political, social, campus and cultural organizations to realign them towards the goals of the Third Jihad;

* Using deception to mask the intended goals, and to cause others to question the existence of the Third Jihad.

* Cultivating the intellectual community into "understanding Islam", including the establishment of think-tanks and advocacy groups and publishing "academic" studies, to legitimize positions of the Third Jihad and to chronicle the peaceful history of Islam;

* Using destructive criticism to weaken those in authority by suggesting they are an elite mistreating the "disadvantaged" for their own personal interests;

* Maintaining the appearance of "moderation" by avoiding public alliances with known terrorist organizations and individuals;

* Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in Europe and America, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions;

* Using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into the service of the Third Jihad;

* Monitoring Western media in order to quickly respond to "smears against Muslims";

* Forming alliances with Western "progressive" organizations that can provide aid and support to Islamic action groups;

* Keeping Muslims living in the West "in a jihad frame of mind";

* Establishing a right to Sharia law within their communities;

* Making the Palestinian cause a global wedge issue for all Muslims;

* Collecting funds to indefinitely support the Third Jihad globally;

* Establishing financial networks to fund actions in target countries.

These tactics are used differently within each target country to weaken or overthrow those in authority. In Europe and Ameica these tactics are used to weaken the will of Americans and Europeans to prevent action needed to counter the Third Jihad. These non-violent tactics are not new. Many were used by the Communist International in the 1920's, by the Nazis in the 1940's, and by the KGB in the 1970's. However, has postmodern thought so corrupted the politcal class, and the intellectuals, in both Europe and America so that Western Civilization can no longer be defended?

Nations usually fall from internal decay, not from external blows.

Dr. Sam Holliday, Director, Armiger Cromwell Center

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