Friday, June 11, 2010

North Korean Spy Ring Infiltrated ROK Army And Obtained War OPlans

From One Free Korea:

North Korean Spy Ring Infiltrated ROK Army, Obtained War Plans

Posted by Joshua Stanton on June 11, 2010 at 5:14 am · Filed under ROK Military, The Fifth Column

Andy Jackson talks about that South Korean general under investigation for spying for the North. Oh, and apparently, he gave the North Koreans their own copy of the best parts of OPLAN 5027.

A government official told the JoongAng Ilbo that the investigation will likely expand because more suspects were linked to the case. “Aside from Park and Kim, there were at least five people involved,” the source said. “The authorities are looking closely at them and some will soon face a formal probe.”

None of the additional suspects were in active service, the official said, but were all related to the military directly or indirectly, hinting at a possibility of a retired military officer’s involvement.

Another government official confirmed the complexity and magnitude of the case. “It’s not as simple as we first thought,” he said.

More here. This is why I’m not especially keen on selling the South Koreans advanced systems like the F-15, Patriot missile, and Global Hawk UAV. Sure, I’d like South Korea to have an independent defense and let us leave, but the more stories like this I read, the less I trust them with our state-of-the-art systems.

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