Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama Surrenders To Russia Again

From The Heritage Foundation:

Obama Surrenders to Russia Again

Posted June 11th, 2010 at 12:00pm in American Leadership with 4 comments Print This Post

It seems that weak negotiating with Russia is becoming a habit for the Obama Administration. After signing a one-sided arms control deal with Russia on April 8th, the Administration is now touting a new United Nations Security Council Resolution that imposes a new round of sanctions on Iran in response to Iran’s ongoing nuclear program.

The problem for the Obama Administration regarding the new Resolution is that it had to acquiesce to Russian demands that Russia’s trade with Iran not be impinged. This apparently includes in the area of arms trade. Russia has a deal with Iran to provide them sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles … although the missiles have yet to be delivered. Shortly following the adoption of the Resolution by the United Nations Security Council, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the S-300 deal is not covered under the sanctions and may go forward.

Clearly, the new Resolution does not impose the kind of crippling sanctions on Iran called for earlier by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It seems this is because Russia, among others, did not want crippling sanctions and the Obama Administration said it was okay with the Russian demand. Given this pattern, the question arises as to what favor will the Obama Administration extend to Russia next.

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