Saturday, July 24, 2010

U.S. Focus On Advancing Islam In Balkans And Elsewhere Still Shows No Positive Results Or Benefit

From Jihad Watch:

"Aiding and abetting Muslim designs in the Balkans, in the hope that this will earn some credit for the United States in the Islamic world, has been a major motive of American policy in the region since at least 1992"

"It has never yielded any dividends, of course, but repeated failure only prompts the architects of the policy to redouble their efforts."

Indeed. And that goes also for Pakistan, and so many, many other venues.

"ICJ Ruling: Blow to Serbia, Boon to Tadić & Jeremić," by Srdja Trifkovic at the Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies, July 22 (thanks to George):

[...] Aiding and abetting Muslim designs in the Balkans, in the hope that this will earn some credit for the United States in the Islamic world, has been a major motive of American policy in the region since at least 1992. It has never yielded any dividends, of course, but repeated failure only prompts the architects of the policy to redouble their efforts.

It is virtually certain that Washington will be equally supportive of an independent Sanjak that would connect Kosovo with Bosnia, or of any putative Islamistan, from western Macedonia to southern Bulgaria to northern Caucasus. The late Tom Lantos must be smiling approvingly wherever he is now, having called, three years ago, on "Jihadists of all color and hue" to take note of "yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe."

In the region, the ICJ verdict will encourage two distinct but interconnected trends: greater-Albanian aspirations against Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, and rump-Serbia (Preševo), and pan-Islamic agitation for the completion of the Green Corridor - an Islamic belt anchored in Asia Minor and extending north-westward across the Balkans into the heart of Central Europe.

Beyond the Balkans, it will breed instability in each and every potential or actual separatist hotspot, from Galilee to Kashmir, from the Caucasus to Sinkiang....

Posted by Robert on July 23, 2010 9:23 AM

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