Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Emergence of Propaganda Kamikazes

From The American Thinker:

June 01, 2010

The emergence of 'propaganda kamikazes'

Mladen Andrijasevic

The terror flotilla was just another case of the West underestimating the malevolence of jihadism. If even Israelis with all their experience underestimated the danger to their commandos from people whose only goal was to die for Allah and gain martyrdom then it is about time we educate ourselves on whom we are dealing with.

The Israeli commandos sent in were armed with paintball rifles . Not the right way to counter people whose raison d'ĂȘtre is to kill and die for jihad and to blacken the Jews in the eyes of the gullible West in the process. May I suggest a new term for them: propaganda kamikaze.

More importantly, let us hope that Israel has learned a valuable lesson as to the mindset of the jihadis, the lesson it should keep in mind when dealing with Iran.

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