Monday, June 7, 2010

South Korean General Arrested As North Korean Spy

From Korea North To South:

ROK Army General Arrested For Being A North Korean Spy

» by GI Korea in: NK Spies

I’m not surprised in the least by this news:

A two-star Army general is in custody on suspicion of leaking military secrets to North Korea. The man is the first active-duty general arrested on spying charges in decades.

A government official on Thursday said the general is “under investigation by the Defense Security Command and the National Intelligence Service. He was arrested on charges of handing military operational plans and field manuals over to the North through a third person for several years.”

The inquiry now focuses on whether there are more connected moles working in the military, the official added. He “was regarded as an outstanding officer and was thought to be in line for promotion to Army corps leader.”

The general was reportedly recruited by the North during the Roh Moo-hyun administration through a junior officer who was placed on the reserve list in 1997 after he was found to be involved in what became known as “Heukgemseong” case. [Chosun Ilbo]

At least in the case of this general it appears the North Koreans didn’t have to use MILF’s to get information out of him.

Considering that North Korean spies infiltrated throughout the South Korean government during the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun presidencies, I’m not surprised in the least that the military has been infiltrated as well. Heck the spying by North Korea probably extended all the way into the Blue House but we will never know because former Korean President Roh Moo-hyun stopped the probe. However on a good note, current Korean President Lee Myung-bak has been busy cleaning out of the National Intelligence Service of spies.

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