Friday, January 14, 2011

The Many Faces Of Mexico

From The Foreign Policy Research Institute:

Foreign Policy/International Affairs

The Many Faces of Mexico

by David J. Danelo

Foreign Policy Research Institute

January 10, 2011

Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs

The United States should not unilaterally deploy soldiers to the border; Mexico City would justifiably protest such a move as a threat to Mexican sovereignty. A mutual resolution, in contrast, emphasizes shared responsibility, particularly in the Sierra Madres and Rio Grande Basin. Historically, the United States and Mexico have cooperated in these regions. By establishing joint federal authority in the desert and mountains, the United States and Mexico could address smuggling both north and south. A border deployment also gives Mexican soldiers a clearer mission than a vague mandate to ‘‘beat the cartels’’—a goal that, despite their patriotism and valor, is not being achieved.


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