Community Organizing in Egypt
Jan 30, 2012 2 Comments ›› Staff Writer
The mainstream media has begun to do everything short of outright ignoring Egypt. What is already shaping up to be another massive foreign policy failure for Barack Obama sheds some interesting light on the consequences of politics. Americans used to safely travel to Egypt in order to visit the pyramids and walk in the sands spoken of in the book of Exodus. Today it is an economic ticking time bomb that will soon explode. The things that are about to happen there are not a failure of democracy. They are a failure of decades of central planning from people who share the same socialist ideology as Barack Obama.

If history is a correct guide (and it usually is), millions of Egyptians are likely to die as a result of famine and war in the coming years. This is not the stuff of conspiracy theories. It has happened time and time again in countries that have imploded under the weight of their own massive financial debts and central government planning.
9-month treasury bond yields in Egypt now stand at an astonishing 16 percent. The plan, presumably, was to have Americans pay for this return through inflated gas prices at the pump. Team Obama has stated repeatedly that they’d like to see us paying European gas prices, and our imports from Egypt would have made the most sense for financing the fledgling Muslim Brotherhood government. In spite of that whopper of a deal – a 16 percent increase in 9 months on your investment – Egypt was only able to sell a third of the bonds it required to fund its government in January 2012.
Wealthy Egyptians are refusing to hold debt in their own national currency. There are reports that the more prosperous business owners are already planning to leave the country. Food shortages have begun in Egypt’s more rural towns, and the people there are too poor to buy what little food there is. Starvation is on the way soon. Gasoline shortages are taking place. Long lines are waiting at filling stations, and the people filling up are bringing plastic jugs, clay jars or anything else that they can dump some gas into. In other words, it looks like the Carter administration.
Egypt will eventually descend into total chaos, likely within the next year or two. The Egyptian military is already loaning money to the central government to keep the lights on, and when that bill comes due… well, students of history know what happens next.
What’s all of this have to with Barack Obama? Everything.
For decades, Egypt was a dream come true for community organizers. Every aspect of its economy was planned under Gamal Abdel Nasser. The government told industries what they could make, when they could make it, what they could sell it for and where to sell it. Things worsened under President Mubarak. The International Monetary Fund came to the “rescue” and the massive amounts of foreign debt that go along with it.
This is the same political ideology of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and every modern-day socialist. The terminology may be different from country to country, but the goals are the same: total nanny-state control of every aspect of the economy and your personal life. Obama just calls it something different.
Here we have a “universal right to health care,” and he “came to the rescue of the auto industry.” Uh huh. Sounds like Marxist central planning from where we’re sitting. Don’t be surprised if you see Egypt descend into another civil war in the coming months as its currency collapses due to its foreign debt load. And don’t think that it has nothing to do with America. Our government is currently going down the same road, even if Obama calls it something different, like a “jobless recovery.”
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