Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Germany Spending Millions Training Somali Policemen Who Then Desert And Join The Jihad

From Jihad Watch:

Germany spends $1 million to train Somali police officers, who then desert and join the jihad

Training the enemy -- a policy that could only have been formulated by people who have no conception of the jihad doctrine or any will to fight it.

"Hundreds of German-financed Somalia police officers go missing," from Deutsche Welle via Garowe Online, July 31 (thanks to Block Ness):

Almost 1,000 Somali police have gone missing after their training was financed by the German government. It is feared these officers will now join forces with the Islamist militants Al-Shabaab.

In September 2009, the German government released $1 million (760,000 euros) of funding to train Somali police officers. The training took place in Ethiopia, and the new recruits were equipped with uniforms, weapons and knowledge with the aim of sending them back into Somalia to try and keep peace in the fractured country.

Two months after the completion of this training, almost 1,000 new police officers have reportedly disappeared en route to the Somali capital Mogadishu. It is thought highly likely that these deserters have left to join opposition Islamist militia in Somalia. [...]

Germany is one of several countries who have committed to training security personnel as in indirect method of trying to help, without military intervention. However, according to Ulrich Delius from the Society for Threatened Peoples, the problem is that most of these newly trained recruits "leave after a few months" to go and work for the armed opposition.

"You have to ensure that these people really stay in the official army or police," Delius told Deutsche Welle. "Otherwise you are just training the people you will be fighting in a few months."


A report published by the head of the UN monitoring group on Somalia, Dumisani Kumalo in 2008, said 80 percent of trained security officers deserted their posts, taking with them their weapons, uniforms and the acquired knowledge. [...]

In recent weeks, the government has reconfirmed its commitment to aiding Somalia, most recently at the African Union summit in Kampala. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said that the training of police in Somalia was a "substantial contribution" to stabilizing the country.

Ulrich Delius argues however that all the projects for training security forces will continue to have no effect until politicians start to "understand the root of the problems in Somalia."


Posted by Robert on August 3, 2010 7:12 AM

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