Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Leaked CNO Email: Navy Plans Affirmative Action To Fast Track Diverse Minorities Past White Males

From Coach Is Right and Floyd Reports (Impeach Obama Campaign):

Leaked Email: Navy plans Affirmative Action to fast track “diverse” minorities past White males

By Coach Collins, on August 4th, 2010

By Kevin “Coach” Collins

This is alarming, sickening and something you won’t hear much about from the mainstream media. An Affirmative Action military doesn’t win wars.

A leaked Email from the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) strongly indicates he is trying to drag America back to the days when our armed forces were segregated only this time it will be done to disadvantage White males and eventually straight White males.

The leaked message which was meant only for the eyes of Flag level officers surfaced last week almost 62 years to the day after President Harry Truman signed Executive Order 9981 which directed all of America’s Armed Forces to accord equal “treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin.”

“Diverse”: the new code word

In what ought to be treated as a national security matter, CNO Admiral Gary Roughead outlined his intensions to see junior Naval officers he euphemistically refers to as “diverse” (a word that can only mean minority, female and gay), fast tracked precisely because of who they are and not necessarily because of what they have accomplished.

For obvious reasons Roughead has directed that the “diversities” career progression list, be “held very closely.” The implication of this “diversities” list is clearly to create a privileged class of Naval Officers who will be given career fast tracking treatment and mentoring that will not be offered to those who are not on the list. In other words we are being dragged back to the days of “separate but equal” and the segregated units of World War II.

The process will be insidious. Its purpose will be achieved through thousands of individual fitness reports which will subtly favor “diversities” every bit as much as White males were favored in the bad old days.

Racial harmony, unit cohesion

At a time when the utility of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is being denied and our armed services will be forced to accept open homosexuals irrespective of the damage their presence will cause, adding homosexuals to the already shameful “diversities” list is a certainty.

Political correctness in war fighting is a luxury we can’t afford. We live in a dangerous world so it is shocking and frightening that the man in charge of Naval Operations doesn’t understand he is running a fighting organization not a college campus.

A cancer growing out of the Naval Academy

Sadly our Naval Academy lists “racial” and by extension gender and soon to be sexual preference “diversity” as a “highest priority.” What’s worse it seems that Admiral Roughead now even wants to put this dangerous policy above the good order of Naval Operations. Roughead and his Flag Admirals are going ahead with this outrage so there is little we can do. Now we can only wait and hope that the same American patriot who leaked the Email leaks the “diversities” list so it can be held up to the light of day and destroyed.

Think about this: do you want to trust your family’s future to Democrats?

Our enemies are motivated by fear of freedom. Our faith in America must be stronger to defeat them. Stand and fight now or there will be nothing left to defend again in our lifetimes. Make our will stronger than their will.

Pray for America.

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