Muslim “Artist” Glorifies Islamic Terror
by sheikyermami on November 26, 2010
You probably thought there is no art in Islam. Well, if its the right art Allah is oft forgiving and compassionate, as we can see here:

A MUSLIM artist sparked outrage last night after his £3,500 picture of the bombed 7/7 bus went on display just a mile from the atrocity that killed 13 people.
. (The Sun/thanks to Mullah)
It shows four angels above the wreckage – the number of al-Qaeda suicide bombers who left 52 dead across London’s transport network on July 7, 2005.
What appear to be souls of the victims are shown streaming out of the bus.
On the side of the vehicle is an advert which was actually on the bombed bus reading “Outright terror… bold and brilliant”.
Number 30 bus driver George Psaradakis, 54, who survived the 7/7 attack in Tavistock Square, last night called for the picture, titled Age Of Shiva, to be removed from its exhibition.
UK: Muslim artist gets $5,500 for picture glorifying 7/7 jihad attacks
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He accused organisers of trying to profit from terrorism.
But the picture’s creator, ex-Tube graffiti vandal Mark Sinckler, 40, defended his work.
He insisted: “I want to shock. I’m an artist and this is my profession. I need to survive.”
Street artist Banksy is curator of the Marks & Stencils show in Soho and chose the 3ft picture for the
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