by sheikyermami on November 26, 2010
Change! ‘Further withdrawal of traditional British support for Israel’
Queen Elizabeth visited Abu Dhabi this week and is heading to Oman from there. We knew that much already. What we may not have known is the context for this visit: An abandonment of what little support for Israel that Britain maintained and a hard shift to toeing the Arab line. If you’re all getting the impression that the only one left on our side is God, that’s probably the impression you’re supposed to be getting. British columnist Melanie Phillips discusses this story in her Friday column. Read the whole thing. (Israel Matzav) (see below)

(INN) Contrary to popular belief, Palestinian Authority terrorists are motivated by religious and national ideology, not personal suffering, a PA researcher has found. The researcher, Bassam Yousef Banat, found that most terrorist killers were educated.
180,000 Palestinians Treated in Israeli Hospitals This Year
Thanks to efficient cooperation between the Israeli and the Palestinian sides, tens of thousands of Palestinians patients benefit from treatments in Israeli hospitals each year. (IMRA)
Guess who Egyptians are blaming for Murdered Copts?
Tensions have been running high between Egypt’s Muslim majority and minority Christians, who make up about 9 percent of the people. Copts, who are adherents of an Egyptian sect of Christianity, complain of discrimination, including the lack of freedom to build houses of worship. The government denies those accusations. Al-Azhar asks Coptic Church to denounce U.S. report saying Copts face discrimination: Historically, if dhimmis complained about their treatment, their contract of “protection” was revoked and their lives were forfeit. Even today, that idea remains as a cultural hangover in the Islamic world: non-Muslims who are persecuted know they better keep silent about that persecution, or things will get even worse.
Canada won’t attend Durban anti-Israel hatefest
If only we had leadership like this everywhere in the Western world. “Canada won’t attend Durban racism ‘hatefest,’ Kenney calls it ‘charade,’” from The Canadian Press

Not a photo-montage, this is an actual file photo of the Muslim POTUS Obama lecturing the Canadian PM.
Obama to Harper: “You are so going to regret this move, Mr. Prime Minister.” Harper to Obama: “You kow where you can stick that finger, don’t you, Mr. President?” (Barenaked)
Canada won’t attend Durban racism ‘hatefest,’ Kenney calls it ‘charade’
Just when we were beginning to get into the holiday spirit, the United Nations decided that Durban III is coming to town.
Like the Ground Zero mosque architects, the UN has decided to pour salt in the wounds of still grieving Americans. The crowds at Durban I held high their signs reading: “For the liberation of Quds, machine-guns based upon faith and Islam must be used,” and “The martyr’s blood irrigates the tree of revolution in Palestine.” The obvious connection between hate and terror, or incitement to violence and violence itself, is either irrelevant to the UN or part of the plan. Read more: (
UN Human Rights Council adopted nine anti-Israel resolutions this month; Obama’s U.S. delegation opposed none of them
Obama continues on his relentlessly anti-Israel, pro-jihad course. “Obama’s UN Officials Silent on Nine Anti-Israel Resolutions,” by Chana Ya’ar for Israel National News, November 22 (thanks to Weasel Zippers):
They don’t make martyrs like they used to (Elder of Ziyon)
The Hamas media is mourning the loss of their latest member to be killed.
The Palestine Times headlines the article “In Jabalia – the Martyrdom of an al-Qassam Mujahid.”
The English Al Qassam website spoke of the fallen fighter in glowing terms:
the mujahed Bilal Maher Zaqout was martyred due to a live bullet fired by mistake while he was cleaning his own gun in Jabalia refugee camp north of the Gaza Strip.
Yes, this Hamas hero shot himself in the chest while cleaning his gun.
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslims project Islam’s worst traits onto Israel and the Jews
Israel: “High percentage” of women murdered by husbands are Muslims, police do little
Can’t blame the police. Why would they want to get themselves into the firing line for Muslim females who are considered domestic animals?
Israeli police appear to be hesitant to interfere in cases of domestic violence among Muslims; perhaps they’re afraid of being labeled “Islamophobic.” This story shows that such political correctness does nothing but endanger women. “‘Inaction puts Arab women at risk from domestic violence,’” by Ruth Eglash in the Jerusalem Post, November 24 (thanks to JW)
The referenced article, from The Spectator:
My enemy's enemy...
Friday, 26th November 2010

Whitehall officials said Foreign Secretary William Hague's decision to reach out to Gulf states in an effort to secure better diplomatic and trade ties meant Britain had to ‘take on board’ Arab foreign policy goals. Requesting better ties would be a two-way street, not just plea for more defence contracts and exports, they said. ‘It will be a six lane highway with movement in both directions,’ said one diplomat. ‘We have to respond to what Gulf States want. If we want a long-term partnership on foreign policy, then changes in our stance have to be part of it.’
... Officials in both Abu Dhabi and London make no bones about stressing the significance of the defence relationship as the West and its regional allies gear up to a possible confrontation with Iran. That may mean yet further withdrawal of traditional British support for Israel, with criticism of its government already more marked under Mr Hague than it was under New Labour government.
In another indication of the Foreign Office's new sensitivity to Arab opinion, officials admitted to The Daily Telegraph that policies on the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006, Israel's invasion of Gaza in 2008-9, and its occupation of the West Bank and settlements policy were ‘motivators’ for the Islamic radicalism that they confronted daily in the Gulf.
Where to begin? Yes, realpolitik demands that sometimes ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’. Yes, the overriding enemy at this time is Iran, threatening not just Israel and the west but also the Gulf states. Yes, the Gulf is vital to western oil supplies. But sometimes my enemy’s enemy is still my enemy. The UAE and other Gulf states are only relatively moderate in their Islamic attitudes compared to, say, Saudi Arabia (and note that admission of 'Islamic radicalism in the Gulf'). Furthermore, because they can see that the US under Obama is caving into Iran, they are doing what Arab states always do – backing the stronger horse in the region, as explained here:
The UAE and Qatar were quick to congratulate Ahmadinejad on his re-election victory, and Oman's Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said traveled to Iran in August. Qatar's emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani discussed ways to expand economic cooperation with Iran with Tehran's ambassador to Qatar on August 27, 2009, the day after Iran's envoy to Bahrain called on the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council states to stop ‘employing foreign forces.’ The New York Times reported in May that Oman and the UAE increasingly rely on ‘mutual interest’ trade with Iran, which is ‘an important political and economic ally that is too powerful and too potentially dangerous to ignore, let alone antagonize.’ Iran's talk of ‘indigenizing ‘regional security shows signs of appealing, especially in Qatar. In Bahrain, too, an eagerness to bow to growing Iranian power has taken the shape of bilateral energy agreements.
So, ostensibly to forge regional alliances against Iran, Britain has now locked itself into a strategic alliance with states which are forging alliances with Iran. Brilliant. And in order to achieve this, Britain is now turning against Israel -- the one state which really is the west’s one true defender in the region -- and falling into line instead behind its enemies.
Really, Britain is displaying the geopolitical equivalent of an auto-immune disease – attacking its friends while embracing its destroyers. One could say that it was ever thus; with the rare exception of Christian Zionist leaders such as Arthur Balfour, Britain has always sided with the Arabs believing that its national interest has always lain with them rather than with the Jews. What’s so unforgiveable is that this is now happening against the backdrop of a global campaign to delegitimise Israel in order to soften up the world for its destruction. In other words, it’s the 1930s all over again; for Britain, history is being repeated not as farce but as tragedy.
For sure, there’s another side to this: Britain and Israel remain close allies in the intelligence sphere. But Israel should surely now regard Britain rather as it presumably regards Saudi Arabia – as a hostile entity with which it sometimes has to do business.
This is a nightmare for British Jews.
And this, related, also from Winds of Jihad:
Dhimmified Royalty
by sheikyermami on November 27, 2010
This is revolting. Once upon a time Britain was a great nation. Now their royals are fools for the (Muslim-) world:
The ignorant Daily Mail makes fun of the Queen’s getup, not the ridiculous notion of a non-Muslim woman parading around as a Muslim, in effect, practicing an ideology she does not profess. (KGS)
Modest Queen covers her head and goes barefoot to the mosque in Abu Dhabi (Daily Mail)

Shoeless and wearing a beekeeper-style shawl and hat, the Queen walked across the world’s largest carpet last night as she met Islamic students in Abu Dhabi at the start of her five-day state visit to the Gulf.

(Daily Mail has more)
And here we have a Report from the Gates of Vienna that is even more depressing:
Fair England Be Your Sepulchre!
The news items from the UK that passed through my hands today were so depressing that I could hardly bear to look at them.
First there was the story about a 15-year-old girl who was arrested for burning a Koran and posting a video of the act on Facebook. She may be charged with “inciting religious hatred”.
But Muslims in Britain need not fear: an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia has now been established. In the future anyone who insults Muslims or denigrates Islam will be held to account by the people’s elected representatives.
Government counterterrorism officials warn that threat level is estimated to be “severe” during the upcoming 2012 London Olympics, and the risk of terrorism is even higher at street parties and other side events. If you look at both those articles, however, you’ll notice that the word “Islam” is not mentioned once.
As far as Her Majesty’s government is concerned, Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Despite the fact that more than 99% of the world’s terror attacks are committed by Muslims who fight jihad in the name of Allah, Mohammed and the religion he founded never impinge upon the “narrative”. There is only “terrorism”, which is committed by “violent extremists”.
And also, of course, the “Islamophobes” who slander the peaceful Muslims.
God help Britain.
As a Thanksgiving Day present from the Colonials to Blighty, here’s a reminder that things in Albion were not always this way. The poem below is by the renowned tragic Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822):
To The Men of England
Men of England, wherefore plough
For the lords who lay ye low?
Wherefore weave with toil and care
The rich robes your tyrants wear?
Wherefore feed and clothe and save,
From the cradle to the grave,
Those ungrateful drones who would
Drain your sweat — nay, drink your blood?
Wherefore, Bees of England, forge
Many a weapon, chain, and scourge,
That these stingless drones may spoil
The forced produce of your toil?
Have ye leisure, comfort, calm,
Shelter, food, love’s gentle balm?
Or what is it ye buy so dear
With your pain and with your fear?
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