from FPRI:
by Raymond Stock
December 26, 2011
Raymond Stock, former visiting assistant professor of
Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University (2010-11),
lived in Cairo for 20 years before being deported by the
regime of Hosni Mubarak in December 2010, apparently due to
his 2009 article criticizing then-Culture minister Farouk
Hosni's bid to head UNESCO in Foreign Policy Magazine. He
has published widely on the Middle East and translated
stories by many Arab writers, including seven books by
Egyptian Nobel laureate in literature Naguib Mahfouz, whose
biography he is writing for Farrar, Straus & Giroux in New
Available on the web and in pdf format at:
by Raymond Stock
German poet Heinrich Heine famously warned, "Where they have
burned books, they will end by burning people." But the
December 17 burning of Cairo's Institut d'Egypte on the
first anniversary of the self-immolation of the Tunisian
vegetable vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, which sparked the Arab
Spring, stands the oft-used dictum on its head. In Egypt,
especially, what was billed as a triumph of liberal
democracy over dictatorship has rapidly morphed into an
Islamist Spring feeding on the tumult of permanent
revolution. After roughly a thousand deaths in protests
since January (with many thousands more lost in surging
crime), the dissolution of most of the nation's police, the
dismantling of the formerly ruling National Democratic
Party, the elimination of the State Security agency
(replaced by a smaller, less-efficient National Security
entity), and the virtual closing of the Israeli embassy, the
January 25th Revolution has now, alarmingly, claimed its
first intellectual institution as a casualty.
Founded by Napoleon Bonaparte during the French Expedition
of 1798-1801, and set on parliament's grounds (not its
original location) next to the American University in
Cairo's former campus on Tahrir Square, the 200,000 volumes
in the Institut d'Egypte represented one of the oldest and
finest collections in the country, though it suffered from
neglect. Foreign scholars who perused its high shelves on a
tall, rickety ladder had an affectionate Anglo-Arabic
nickname for the place, "Dar al-Dust" ("The House of Dust)."
As then-fellow graduate student Bruce W. Dunne wrote for a
survey of Egypt's libraries that I put together in 1996 for
the American Research Center in Egypt:
"The Institut houses an extraordinarily rich and eclectic
collection, including (i) rare books (e.g. the Description
de l'Egypte, 2 copies); (ii) hand written memoirs,
particularly with respect to the French Expedition; (iii)
first editions of 17th through 19th- century art, travel,
medical the legal books and treatises; (iv) 19th century
scholarly journals; (v) the Institut's archives of
membership records and members' correspondence; (vi)
Egyptian government documents, and (vii) unpublished
manuscripts. There are also reasonably complete sets of the
Institut's two series of Bulletins and two series of
Memoires, some of which, or extracts therefrom, may still be
Sadly, they may be perused or purchased no more.
Reportedly, a Molotov cocktail (one of many thrown at
security forces in the last week of renewed demonstrations
around Tahrir) landed within the two-story, Belle Epoque
structure, setting it alight. While it is unclear if the
fire was deliberate, an Egyptian newspaper published a
picture on its website of protesters allegedly expressing
their joy at the sight of the venerable old establishment as
it burst into flames, and the military has produced another
showing a protester attempting to incinerate a parliament
building. Yet many demonstrators rallied to battle the
blaze until fire trucks arrived, once again displaying what
many have praised as the "Spirit of Tahrir"--first shown in
the human chain formed by protesters to stop the looting of
the Egyptian Museum in January. And there is now an
organized effort under Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, the new Minister
of Antiquities (replacing Dr. Zahi Hawass) to collect books
and manuscripts rescued from the library. (It is claimed
that some 30,000 works have been recovered and brought to
the National Library--Dar al-Kutub--for restoration, though
most of these appear to be little more than badly charred
fragments. Water damage, of course, is also a serious
In fact, there has always been more than one "Spirit of
Tahrir." From the start of the mass demonstrations against
President Hosni Mubarak that led to his resignation on
February 11 (with a crucial assist from the SCAF-the Supreme
Council of the Armed Forces), alongside the peaceful,
disciplined liberals that got most of the press' attention,
was a large group of hardcore
football hooligans, known as the Ultras. Supporters of the
Ahli ("National") Club, the most popular in Egypt, the
Ultras had built a formidable record of intimidation against
the fans of rival teams before the uprising began.
According to Amr Bargisi and Samuel Tadros, two Egyptian
liberals with a long record of opposition to Mubarak writing
December 9 in the online Jewish magazine, Tablet, Ultras
were busy attacking the police from the beginning. Whatever
their possible role in provoking the wave of police-and-thug
violence that claimed so many lives in those days, the
Ultras' actions automatically raised the level of mayhem the
number of fatalities with it. Their assaults on police
stations helped lead to the general breakdown in law and
order during and after those famous eighteen days of
demonstrations as Mubarak held on. It was the Ultras who
many have said led the charge in the sacking of the Israeli
embassy in September, and again during the bloody clashes in
Tahrir that erupted just before the first round of
parliamentary balloting in late November. And given the
firebombs and other objects being hurled in the protests in
Tahrir that began earlier this week, it appears that they,
and/or others like them, are at it again.
In local news media and on Facebook, some are blaming the
incident on the military, which kicked off the latest round
with a massive clean-up operation against the tent city set
up in Tahrir. The army did the same with the members of a
group called Occupy the Cabinet, that has tried to stop the
government of interim prime minister Kamal al-Ganzouri (who
once held the job for Mubarak), from meeting in his office,
as the country struggles to complete the next two rounds of
elections (that are being soundly won by Islamists,
sometimes in protest votes against the chaos) in the midst
of the most serious economic crisis in decades. (At a press
conference earlier this month, al-Ganzouri tearfully
lamented that the country's financial condition is "worse
than anyone can imagine.")
So far, the majority of Egyptians appear to be backing the
SCAF in its suppression of the seemingly insatiable
revolutionaries--who want them all to resign immediately,
which would leave a vacuum that only the Muslim Brotherhood
(MB--whose gradualist strategy masks a radical purpose) and
more blatantly militant Salafis (who have done surprisingly
well in the polls) could fill. Not even a video distributed
last weekend that features a veiled woman being stripped
half-naked as soldiers stomp on her chest (and pummel a
young Christian man who tried to help her), along with
several other youths being savagely beaten, has bought the
protesters sympathy. If anything, the burning of the
Institut d'Egypte (also known as the Institute for the
Advancement of Scientific Research, or the Egyptian
Scientific Institute) serves as a dramatic and symbolic
milestone in the ever steeper descent into disorder over the
past ten months.
In a statement, al-Ganzouri condemned the attack as "arson
committed by the protesters," who showed no desire to
protect "the symbols of the historical civilization of this
nation." He added that among the losses were the original
manuscript of Description de l'Egypte-the seminal survey of
Egypt conducted by Napoleon's savants (though actually there
are thought to be eleven others held elsewhere)-and a number
of "irreplaceable maps and historical manuscripts preserved
by many generations." Other sources say that the United
Arab Emirates and France are working together to help the
Egyptians restore the building--which the rescue committee
set up by Ibrahim ordered evacuated on December 22, fearing
its imminent collapse--and its collections. A number of
Egyptian construction firms reportedly have offered to
conduct that work for free.
Meanwhile, Bargisi and Tadros warn against the "complacency"
in believing that the Islamists "will either be moderate or
fail to deliver,"and that "the very possibility of next
elections is dependent" on avoiding anarchy now.
Ironically, it is the heavy-handed SCAF, with its own
Islamist leanings and callous use of violence, that probably
provides the only bulwark against the even more ruthless and
anti-democratic Islamists, who will use the machinery of
democracy to finally seize power, the MB's goal since it
founding in 1928. And it was Mubarak that formerly stood--
albeit inconsistently--not only in the same position against
the MB and its allies, but also against the military's
completely naked use of force, before he was ousted by the
very *organization from which he arose.
Though there is still some chance of an Algerian solution
(i.e., the military, which is allied with the MB but wishes
to retain control, however covertly, would act to halt the
Islamists' electoral victory, which itself could end the new
democracy), that remains unlikely. Or perhaps-and much less
probably--some other, unforeseen events will intervene. In
any case, the (slightly) secular Egypt that lingered under
Mubarak--itself a feeble echo of the brief liberal period
that existed under the British before the Free Officer's
coup of 1952--is vanishing, perhaps forever. And after what
to many had seemed a blooming spring of freedom and rebirth,
the whole country now appears firmly on its way to becoming
a vast "House of Dust."
Copyright Foreign Policy Research Institute
by Raymond Stock
December 26, 2011
Raymond Stock, former visiting assistant professor of
Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University (2010-11),
lived in Cairo for 20 years before being deported by the
regime of Hosni Mubarak in December 2010, apparently due to
his 2009 article criticizing then-Culture minister Farouk
Hosni's bid to head UNESCO in Foreign Policy Magazine. He
has published widely on the Middle East and translated
stories by many Arab writers, including seven books by
Egyptian Nobel laureate in literature Naguib Mahfouz, whose
biography he is writing for Farrar, Straus & Giroux in New
Available on the web and in pdf format at:
by Raymond Stock
German poet Heinrich Heine famously warned, "Where they have
burned books, they will end by burning people." But the
December 17 burning of Cairo's Institut d'Egypte on the
first anniversary of the self-immolation of the Tunisian
vegetable vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, which sparked the Arab
Spring, stands the oft-used dictum on its head. In Egypt,
especially, what was billed as a triumph of liberal
democracy over dictatorship has rapidly morphed into an
Islamist Spring feeding on the tumult of permanent
revolution. After roughly a thousand deaths in protests
since January (with many thousands more lost in surging
crime), the dissolution of most of the nation's police, the
dismantling of the formerly ruling National Democratic
Party, the elimination of the State Security agency
(replaced by a smaller, less-efficient National Security
entity), and the virtual closing of the Israeli embassy, the
January 25th Revolution has now, alarmingly, claimed its
first intellectual institution as a casualty.
Founded by Napoleon Bonaparte during the French Expedition
of 1798-1801, and set on parliament's grounds (not its
original location) next to the American University in
Cairo's former campus on Tahrir Square, the 200,000 volumes
in the Institut d'Egypte represented one of the oldest and
finest collections in the country, though it suffered from
neglect. Foreign scholars who perused its high shelves on a
tall, rickety ladder had an affectionate Anglo-Arabic
nickname for the place, "Dar al-Dust" ("The House of Dust)."
As then-fellow graduate student Bruce W. Dunne wrote for a
survey of Egypt's libraries that I put together in 1996 for
the American Research Center in Egypt:
"The Institut houses an extraordinarily rich and eclectic
collection, including (i) rare books (e.g. the Description
de l'Egypte, 2 copies); (ii) hand written memoirs,
particularly with respect to the French Expedition; (iii)
first editions of 17th through 19th- century art, travel,
medical the legal books and treatises; (iv) 19th century
scholarly journals; (v) the Institut's archives of
membership records and members' correspondence; (vi)
Egyptian government documents, and (vii) unpublished
manuscripts. There are also reasonably complete sets of the
Institut's two series of Bulletins and two series of
Memoires, some of which, or extracts therefrom, may still be
Sadly, they may be perused or purchased no more.
Reportedly, a Molotov cocktail (one of many thrown at
security forces in the last week of renewed demonstrations
around Tahrir) landed within the two-story, Belle Epoque
structure, setting it alight. While it is unclear if the
fire was deliberate, an Egyptian newspaper published a
picture on its website of protesters allegedly expressing
their joy at the sight of the venerable old establishment as
it burst into flames, and the military has produced another
showing a protester attempting to incinerate a parliament
building. Yet many demonstrators rallied to battle the
blaze until fire trucks arrived, once again displaying what
many have praised as the "Spirit of Tahrir"--first shown in
the human chain formed by protesters to stop the looting of
the Egyptian Museum in January. And there is now an
organized effort under Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, the new Minister
of Antiquities (replacing Dr. Zahi Hawass) to collect books
and manuscripts rescued from the library. (It is claimed
that some 30,000 works have been recovered and brought to
the National Library--Dar al-Kutub--for restoration, though
most of these appear to be little more than badly charred
fragments. Water damage, of course, is also a serious
In fact, there has always been more than one "Spirit of
Tahrir." From the start of the mass demonstrations against
President Hosni Mubarak that led to his resignation on
February 11 (with a crucial assist from the SCAF-the Supreme
Council of the Armed Forces), alongside the peaceful,
disciplined liberals that got most of the press' attention,
was a large group of hardcore
football hooligans, known as the Ultras. Supporters of the
Ahli ("National") Club, the most popular in Egypt, the
Ultras had built a formidable record of intimidation against
the fans of rival teams before the uprising began.
According to Amr Bargisi and Samuel Tadros, two Egyptian
liberals with a long record of opposition to Mubarak writing
December 9 in the online Jewish magazine, Tablet, Ultras
were busy attacking the police from the beginning. Whatever
their possible role in provoking the wave of police-and-thug
violence that claimed so many lives in those days, the
Ultras' actions automatically raised the level of mayhem the
number of fatalities with it. Their assaults on police
stations helped lead to the general breakdown in law and
order during and after those famous eighteen days of
demonstrations as Mubarak held on. It was the Ultras who
many have said led the charge in the sacking of the Israeli
embassy in September, and again during the bloody clashes in
Tahrir that erupted just before the first round of
parliamentary balloting in late November. And given the
firebombs and other objects being hurled in the protests in
Tahrir that began earlier this week, it appears that they,
and/or others like them, are at it again.
In local news media and on Facebook, some are blaming the
incident on the military, which kicked off the latest round
with a massive clean-up operation against the tent city set
up in Tahrir. The army did the same with the members of a
group called Occupy the Cabinet, that has tried to stop the
government of interim prime minister Kamal al-Ganzouri (who
once held the job for Mubarak), from meeting in his office,
as the country struggles to complete the next two rounds of
elections (that are being soundly won by Islamists,
sometimes in protest votes against the chaos) in the midst
of the most serious economic crisis in decades. (At a press
conference earlier this month, al-Ganzouri tearfully
lamented that the country's financial condition is "worse
than anyone can imagine.")
So far, the majority of Egyptians appear to be backing the
SCAF in its suppression of the seemingly insatiable
revolutionaries--who want them all to resign immediately,
which would leave a vacuum that only the Muslim Brotherhood
(MB--whose gradualist strategy masks a radical purpose) and
more blatantly militant Salafis (who have done surprisingly
well in the polls) could fill. Not even a video distributed
last weekend that features a veiled woman being stripped
half-naked as soldiers stomp on her chest (and pummel a
young Christian man who tried to help her), along with
several other youths being savagely beaten, has bought the
protesters sympathy. If anything, the burning of the
Institut d'Egypte (also known as the Institute for the
Advancement of Scientific Research, or the Egyptian
Scientific Institute) serves as a dramatic and symbolic
milestone in the ever steeper descent into disorder over the
past ten months.
In a statement, al-Ganzouri condemned the attack as "arson
committed by the protesters," who showed no desire to
protect "the symbols of the historical civilization of this
nation." He added that among the losses were the original
manuscript of Description de l'Egypte-the seminal survey of
Egypt conducted by Napoleon's savants (though actually there
are thought to be eleven others held elsewhere)-and a number
of "irreplaceable maps and historical manuscripts preserved
by many generations." Other sources say that the United
Arab Emirates and France are working together to help the
Egyptians restore the building--which the rescue committee
set up by Ibrahim ordered evacuated on December 22, fearing
its imminent collapse--and its collections. A number of
Egyptian construction firms reportedly have offered to
conduct that work for free.
Meanwhile, Bargisi and Tadros warn against the "complacency"
in believing that the Islamists "will either be moderate or
fail to deliver,"and that "the very possibility of next
elections is dependent" on avoiding anarchy now.
Ironically, it is the heavy-handed SCAF, with its own
Islamist leanings and callous use of violence, that probably
provides the only bulwark against the even more ruthless and
anti-democratic Islamists, who will use the machinery of
democracy to finally seize power, the MB's goal since it
founding in 1928. And it was Mubarak that formerly stood--
albeit inconsistently--not only in the same position against
the MB and its allies, but also against the military's
completely naked use of force, before he was ousted by the
very *organization from which he arose.
Though there is still some chance of an Algerian solution
(i.e., the military, which is allied with the MB but wishes
to retain control, however covertly, would act to halt the
Islamists' electoral victory, which itself could end the new
democracy), that remains unlikely. Or perhaps-and much less
probably--some other, unforeseen events will intervene. In
any case, the (slightly) secular Egypt that lingered under
Mubarak--itself a feeble echo of the brief liberal period
that existed under the British before the Free Officer's
coup of 1952--is vanishing, perhaps forever. And after what
to many had seemed a blooming spring of freedom and rebirth,
the whole country now appears firmly on its way to becoming
a vast "House of Dust."
Copyright Foreign Policy Research Institute
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