Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Headline That Sums Up Obama's Trip To Indonesia

From The American Thinker:

November 14, 2010

A headline that sums up Obama's trip to Indonesia

Leo Rennert

In the newspaper business, headline writing is considered a fine art. In a tiny bit of space, a headline is supposed to do two things -- catch the reader's eye and sum up with a few well-chosen words the entire gist of an article. No mean feat.

Some headline writers are better at it than others. And a few -- very few -- are able to elevate a headline to such perfection that it becomes a permanent, historic icon in the annals of journalism

Think for example about the day in 1975 when President Ford turned down a New York City request for a federal bailout to avoid bankruptcy. The headline in the New York Daily News: "Ford to City: Drop Dead." A headline that said it all -- to perfection.

Last week, a headline writer for the New York Jewish Week managed a similar feat in summing up an article by Jonathan Mark about how President Obama, during his visit to Jakarta, slammed Israel for planning additional housing in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem, while keeping silent about Indonesia barring Israelis from visiting the country.

The headline: "In Indonesia, Where Israelis Can't Enter, Obama Tells Jews Where They Can't Live."

Mark's post gives the full infamy of Obama's dressing-down of Israel on the soil of the world's most populous Muslim nation, coupled with his sycophantic silence about his hosts' refusal to acknowledge the existence of a Jewish nation...

In a few well-chosen, perfectly targeted words.


Posted at 09:50 AM

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