Friday, November 19, 2010

Putin's Agenda And Medvedev's Dilemma

From The Heritage Foundation:

Foreign Policy/International Affairs

Putin’s Agenda and Medvedev’s Dilemma

by Leon Aron

American Enterprise Institute

November 16, 2010

Russian Outlook

Revived by the opacity of Russian neo-authoritarianism, Kremlinology is again the tool of choice of Russian and Western experts. Of late, it has received a mighty boost from Medvedev’s sacking of the powerful mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, and especially from Putin’s interviews and statements since the end of August—the most he has given or made, over a comparable period of time, in his eleven years in public office. Emerging from Putin’s recent public statements is a vision of Russia that is virtually antithetical to the ideas and aspirations Medvedev has articulated. The chasm between Putin’s and Medvedev’s designs for Russia’s future might hold the answer to the “Putin 2012” question.


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