Sunday, November 21, 2010

United Nations Censures Iran For Human Rights Abuses; Iran's Top Human Rights Official Defends Stoning

From Jihad Watch:

UN censures Iran for human rights abuses, Iran's "top human rights official" defends stoning

Being "Iran's top human rights official" is like being Nazi Germany's foremost Jewish rights advocate. "UN Moves to Censure Iran for Human Rights," by Amy Kellogg for, November 19 (thanks to all who sent this in):

On Thursday a U.N. committee voted to censure Iran for its human rights abuses, including its crackdown on regime opponents.

Despite Iran's efforts to block the move, the General Assembly's committee responsible for social, humanitarian and human rights adopted the resolution with a vote of 80 to 44, with 57 abstentions.

And just coincidentally, there are 57 members (56 nations plus the Palestinians) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. (I haven't yet seen the list of the countries that abstained, but I do suspect that there is considerable overlap between that list and the OIC's member list.)

Iran's top human rights official Mohammad-Javad Larijani told the Wall Street Journal the vote was part of a wider campaign of the U.S. and its allies to get at Iran's nuclear program in any way....

The arrests of lawyers, student demonstrators and the stoning sentence meted out to Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani are issues that have most concerned many in the international community.

Larijani told the Wall Street Journal that there has been a moratorium on stoning in Iran for some years now. But he defended the practice saying: "Stoning means you should do a number of acts, by throwing the stones in a limited number, in a special way, in the eyes of some people, stoning is a lesser punishment than execution because there is a chance you should survive."...

Oh, well, then! Stone away, Larijani!

Posted by Robert on November 20, 2010 4:24 AM

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