From PMW:
The Holocaust "for more than 60 years
has aroused... controversy and fabrication," writes PA daily
PA media reports opposition
to Holocaust education for Palestinian children
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Rumors are circulating in the Palestinian areas that UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency) is planning to introduce Holocaust education into the Palestinian UNRWA-run schools. Following these rumors, two Palestinian dailies have publicized strong opposition to teaching Palestinian children about the Holocaust:
Daily columnist in official PA daily:
"The Jewish Holocaust is a story about which there is great controversy... a subject that for more than 60 years has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication."
"UNRWA... is absolutely prohibited from dealing with political issues."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 4, 2011]
Muhammad Abu Bakr, deputy head of PLO Department for Refugees:
"[If] UNRWA has introduced studies on the Holocaust, or what is known by that name... it would be a deviation by UNRWA from its commitments and the understandings between itself and the host countries, and this would be a precedent which cannot be ignored... It is unthinkable that we would lead our refugee children in opposing directions."
[Al Quds, March 1, 2011]
Nabila Al-Salah, member of Committee for Defense of the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan:
"Study of the Holocaust in UNRWA schools is disgraceful."
[Al Quds, March 1, 2011]
Zakaria al-Agha, Head of [PLO's] Department for Refugee Issues:
"[objected] to teaching the subject of the Holocaust in UNRWA's schools."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 21, 2011]
Holocaust denial and distortion have been part of the Palestinian discourse for many years. Clearly, a decision was made not to include it in Palestinian education, where is has never been mentions. None of the Palestinian schoolbooks, which are produced by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education, mention the Holocaust or the Nazi persecution of Jews. For example, a new 12th grade Palestinian history book goes into great detail about the Second World War. It even has sections on the Nazi racist ideology and the Nuremberg trials, yet it does not mention that Jews were the target of the Nazi racism.
For PMW's report on the lack of Holocaust education in PA schoolbooks, click here.
PA schoolbooks: WWII without a Holocaust
History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, grade 12, p. 147 - Sept. 1, 2009
PA schoolbooks: WWII without a Holocaust
Palestinian schoolbooks discuss in great historical detail the events of World War II, but in all of the PA history texts the Holocaust is ignored as if it never happened. It is clear that PA educators made an active decision to leave the Holocaust out of history. The newest PA history book The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century (Grade 12), sets forth the military and political development of the Second World War; it cites Nazi racist ideology and restrictions placed on "inferior" non-Aryan nations, and even describes the post-war trials of "senior Nazi leaders as war criminals.” But it makes no mention of the Holocaust or of Jews, nor does it mention the crimes for which the war criminals were on trial. Teaching the history of the Second World War in detail without mentioning the Holocaust, persecution of Jews, or the genocide is a very efficient form of Holocaust denial. The Holocaust is simply expunged from history.
The following are excerpts from the PA history book for grade 12 on the Second World War and Nazism.
Book Title: The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, for Grade 12. Published in 2006 by PA Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Page 123: Lesson 3 – Racial Discrimination
“Race Theory evolved during the thirties of the previous century, when the Nazi movement appeared in Germany in 1933 and divided the nations into superior and others who were inferior. It espoused the superiority of the Aryan race, from which the Germans originated, passed racist laws and limited work positions to Germans alone, with the inference that [only] they are equal in their rights and obligations, while others are subject to special laws, which were imposed on them with the inference that they were foreigners in their [German] land."
Pages 23-48: Section Two – World War I and World War II
Page 37: Lesson 3 – The international circumstances between the two world wars (1918-1939)…
Page 37: The severity of conditions imposed by the peace accords…
Page 37: The economic crisis…
Page 38: The rise of dictatorial governments
“With the worsening of the economic and social crisis following World War I and the failure of the governments to deal with it, some of the peoples found themselves standing on the side of the dictatorial rule, which promised to find an effective treatment for their internal and external problems… This led to some states being governed by a dictatorial rule, for example Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan.”
Page 40: Lesson 4 – World War II (1939-1945)
Page 40: The Immediate Cause: “The immediate cause of World War II was the establishment of a corridor, which connects Poland with the Danzig Port, of 25 miles in width, which disconnected Eastern Prussia from Germany.”
Pages 44-45: The End of the War (1942-1945)
[Teaching of the El Alamein battle; the defeat of the Axis forces, Japan’s defeat and the dropping of the atom bomb.]
Pages 45-46: The Peace Accords (1945-1947) – Potsdam Conference in 1945;…
“The Allied states established an international court to bring to trial the senior Nazi leaders as war criminals.” (Pg 46)
As is seen from this extensive education about the Second World War, the PA educators made an active decision to avoid teaching their students that there was a Holocaust.
For PMW's latest report on Palestinian schoolbooks, click here.
In 2009, when the issue of teaching the Holocaust in Palestinian UNRWA-run schools was discussed, UNRWA "strongly denied rumors" that it planned to teach the Holocaust material in its human rights curriculum:
"UNRWA Commissioner-General, Karen Abu Zayd, strongly denied rumors that UNRWA will be teaching the subject of the Holocaust as part of its curriculum. At a press conference held in Gaza today, she stated that the human rights curriculum will not be altered. Abu Zayd, who accompanied Christian Berger, the European Commission Representative, on a tour of the fishing harbor in Gaza, said that UNRWA is developing the human rights curriculum [in its institutions] and is developing study material dealing with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
[PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2009]
The following are the current reports about the rumors and the opposition to Holocaust education, as reported in two Palestinian dailies.
Examples from the PMW archives of Palestinian Holocaust denial and distortion follow the current news items below.
Yihya Rabah, daily column in official PA daily:
"In recent days several reports have been leaked indicating that UNRWA is planning to introduce material on the Jewish Holocaust into the mandatory curriculum for its schools in Palestine and in all the countries hosting Palestinian refugees under UNRWA supervision...
I sincerely hope that this plan will not succeed, for several reasons:
First, UNRWA at present, by virtue of its function and its authority, always says that it is absolutely prohibited from dealing with political issues, and that it zealously protects its neutrality and professionalism...
Second, everyone knows that the story of the Jewish Holocaust is a story about which there is great controversy, and in the heart of Europe - even in the heart of the Jewish communities themselves- there are people who do not accept the Israeli narrative concerning the Holocaust. Why should UNRWA push itself into a subject that for more than 60 years has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication, especially since hundreds of millions of people in the world suffered the tragedies of the Second World War...
The Palestinian people does not want UNRWA to succumb to any kind of pressure, nor for it to be the tool for carrying out a mistaken policy, such as this plan."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 4, 2011]
"In an interview with Al-Quds, [Deputy head of the PLO Department for Refugees, Muhammad] Abu Bakr responded to reports that UNRWA has introduced studies on the Holocaust, or what is known by that name, in its schools. He noted that there is no exact information as to the truth of these reports, but if this happens, it would be a deviation by UNRWA from its commitments and the understandings between itself and the host countries, and this would be a precedent which cannot be ignored...
He added: 'We support any measure which will lead to enrichment of the study curriculum with information and innovations in the spheres of science, culture, human rights and history, on the basis of conformity with the prevailing reality in the learning environment of the circles within which the Palestinian refugees study - which is obviously their natural environment. It is unthinkable that we would lead our refugee children in opposing directions, whether by means of study curricula or by other means...'
Nabila Al-Salah, a member of the Committee for Defense of the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan, said that study of the Holocaust in UNRWA schools is disgraceful, and opposed to UNRWA's educational goals. She noted that study of the Holocaust serve the Zionist narrative at the expense of the refugee issue and the issue of the Palestinian people."
[Al-Quds, March 1, 2011]
"Head of [PLO's] Department for Refugee Issues, Zakaria al-Agha... emphasized his objection to teaching the subject of the Holocaust in UNRWA's schools."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 21, 2011]
The following are examples of Palestinian Holocaust denial, distortion and opposition to educating youth about the Holocaust from the PMW archives:
Headline: "Gaza: Activists accuse UNRWA of attempting to teach about Jewish Holocaust in curriculum for human rights"
"Director of the Education Department of the Aid Agency [UNRWA], Mahmoud Al-Hamdiat, denied that there was any intention on the part of the agency to teach material on the subject of the Holocaust...
Activists protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees accused UNRWA of an attempt to teach about the Jewish Holocaust in the human rights curriculum. The activists, representing the Hamas people's committees of the various districts of the Gaza Strip, expressed their anger in the face of this development. They demanded the removal of this material from the 8th grade human rights curriculum.
Coordinator of the people's committees in the Gaza Strip, Hussam Ahmad, told Al-Ayyam that the scientific material included in the curriculum was formulated in a manner favorable towards the Jews... Ahmad warned of a trend towards creating a generation that shows sympathy towards the Jews and towards [concerning] the Holocaust. He stated that the refugees' committees would continue to carry out various activities to deter the agency from its decision.
It should be noted that the peoples' committees of the refugees in the Gaza Strip sent a memorandum to [director of UNRWA operations, John] Ging, demanding the deletion of the subject of the Jewish Holocaust from the human rights study material for 8th grade."
[Al-Ayyam, Aug. 31, 2009]
Abd Al-Rahman Abbad, Secretary General of the [Palestinian] Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam:
"[The Israeli separation fence is a symptom of] the Jewish mindset, a mindset controlled by the [idea of the] ghetto. The ghetto means living in an isolated neighborhood only for Jews. That's why they cannot live with other groups because they believe that their culture and religion obligate them to have contacts only among themselves, based on an attitude of superiority towards others. That's why they did not live, for example, in the West, in separate neighborhoods, but lived in what is called 'a ghetto.' The ghetto was not forced upon them, as is thought, rather, they were the ones who forced it upon themselves. This [separation] fence is not just one fence, there are many fences. Look at the [Israeli] city Lod, for example, or Ramle. There is no mixing between different population groups who are all Israeli citizens. There is separation. The reason for this is the Israeli mentality, the ghetto mentality, the mentality of rejection of 'the other,' and refusal to coexist with him...
[Jews] exaggerate every action that other [nations] do against any Jew in the world. In this context is the Holocaust issue, which the whole world still [deals with]. There is a place [in Israel] called 'Memorial for Holocaust and Heroism,' which tells of the killing of 6 million Jews, but it is known that in all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews."
[PA TV (Fatah), July 17, 2009]
[Note: The Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam is headed by Ikrima Sabri, former Palestinian Authority Mufti of Jerusalem under Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.]
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"Various groups in Israel expressed their disappointment at the speech delivered yesterday by Pope Benedict XVI at the Yad Vashem Institute for the commemoration of the so-called memory of those who died in the Nazi Holocaust."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 12, 2009]
Najat Abu-Bakr, Fatah member of PA Parliament:
"This enemy [Israel] constantly commits new holocausts, everywhere and at all times."
[PA TV (Fatah), March 3, 2008]
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Narrator: "'The disabled and handicapped are a heavy burden on the state,' said the terrorist leader, Ben Gurion [Israel's first PM]. The Satanic Jews thought up an evil plot [the Holocaust] to be rid of the burden of the disabled and handicapped, in twisted criminal ways. While they accuse the Nazis or others so that the Jews would seem persecuted, and try to benefit from international sympathy, they were the first to invent the methods of evil and oppression."
Amin Dabur, head of the Palestinian "Center for Strategic Research":
"About the Israeli Holocaust - the whole thing was a joke, and part of the perfect show that Ben Gurion put on, focusing on [bringing] strong and energetic youth [to Israel], while the rest - the disabled, the handicapped, and people with special needs - they were sent [to die]... if it can be proven historically. They were sent [to die] so there would be a Holocaust, so Israel could 'play' it for world sympathy."
Narrator: "The alleged numbers of Jews [killed in the Holocaust] were merely for propaganda."
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), April 18, 2008]
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Ibrahim Mudayris, Official, PA Ministry of Religious Trusts and Religious Affairs:
"In the Nazi war, possibly some [Jews] were killed, possibly some were burned, but they're exaggerating [the Holocaust] in order to win over world media, and world sympathy."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 13, 2005]
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To see more examples of Palestinian Holocaust denial and distortion from the PMW archives, click on the following links:
To see more examples of Palestinian Holocaust denial, click here.
Holocaust denial and distortion
Holocaust denial
Holocaust desecration, denial, and abuse, are all components of Palestinian Authority ideology. A PA TV children’s broadcast taught that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens, and at an exhibit in Gaza children put dolls in a model oven adorned with a Star of David and a swastika. A senior Palestinian academic taught adults on PA TV: “There was no Dachau, no Auschwitz; these were disinfecting sites.” A Hamas TV documentary explained that it was Jewish leaders who planned the Holocaust, in order to eliminate Jews who were "disabled and handicapped”.
A crossword puzzle clue in the official PA daily identified “Yad Vashem” (Israel’s Holocaust memorial) as a “Center for the Holocaust and Lies.” The same PA daily has published many articles denying the Holocaust, including one that termed the Holocaust a “hen laying golden eggs.”
Schoolbooks produced by the Palestinian Ministry of Education teach the history of World War II in great detail except for the history of the Holocaust, which is totally ignored. One history book goes so far as to teach that Nazism was a racist ideology and that there were trials of Nazi war criminals, but it leaves out that Jews were the target of the racism, and the crimes for which the Nazis were on trial.
Palestinian education erases the actual Holocaust from history and usurps the word “Holocaust” for its own wide range of malicious libels.
This video depicts a PA TV children’s play teaching that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens.
"They [Israel] are the ones who did the Holocaust,
their knife cuts to the length and the width of our flesh...
They opened ovens for us, to bake human beings.
They destroyed the villages and burnt the cities.
And when an oven stops burning, they light a hundred [more] ovens.
Their hands are covered with the blood of our children."
[PA TV (Fatah), March 25, 2004]
The following are more examples of Palestinian Authority Holocaust desecration, denial, and abuse:
PLO official opposes Holocaust education in Palestinian UNRWA-run schools
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Mar. 21, 2011
"Head of [PLO's] Department for Refugee Issues, Zakaria al-Agha... emphasized his objection to teaching the subject of the Holocaust in UNRWA's schools."
Click to view bulletin
PA daily: The Holocaust "for more than 60 years has aroused ... controversy and fabrication"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Mar. 4, 2011
In response to rumors that UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency) is planning to introduce Holocaust education into the Palestinian UNRWA-run schools, Palestinian dailies have publicized strong opposition to teaching Palestinian children about the Holocaust. Daily columnist in official PA daily:
"The Jewish Holocaust is a story about which there is great controversy... a subject that for more than 60 years has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication."
"UNRWA... is absolutely prohibited from dealing with political issues."
Click to view bulletin
PA daily: Study of the Holocaust in Palestinian UNRWA-run schools is "disgraceful"
Source: Al-Quds, Mar. 1, 2011
Muhammad Abu Bakr, deputy head of PLO Department for Refugees:
"[If] UNRWA has introduced studies on the Holocaust, or what is known by that name... it would be a deviation by UNRWA from its commitments and the understandings between itself and the host countries, and this would be a precedent which cannot be ignored... It is unthinkable that we would lead our refugee children in opposing directions."
Nabila Al-Salah, member of Committee for Defense of the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan:
"Study of the Holocaust in UNRWA schools is disgraceful."
Click to view bulletin
PA schoolbooks: WWII without a Holocaust
Source: History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, grade 12, p. 147, Sept. 1, 2009
Palestinian schoolbooks discuss in great historical detail the events of World War II, but in all of the PA history texts the Holocaust is ignored as if it never happened. It is clear that PA educators made an active decision to leave the Holocaust out of history. The newest PA history book The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century (Grade 12), sets forth the military and the political events of the Second World War; it cites Nazi racist ideology and restrictions placed on "inferior" non-Aryan nations, and even describes the post-war trials of "senior Nazi leaders as war criminals.” But it makes no mention of the Holocaust or of Jews, nor does it mention the crimes for which the war criminals were on trial. Teaching the history of the Second World War in detail without mentioning the Holocaust, persecution of Jews, or the genocide is a very efficient form of Holocaust denial. The Holocaust is simply expunged from history.
Click on FULL ARTICLE to read the schoolbook texts that bypass the Holocaust.
Hamas refuses to include Holocaust in UN curriculum
Source: Al-Ayyam, Aug. 31, 2009
Headline: "Gaza: Activists accuse UNRWA of attempting to teach about Jewish Holocaust in curriculum for human rights"
"Director of the education department of the aid agency [UNRWA], Mahmoud Al-Hamdiat, denied that there was any intention on the part of the agency to teach material on the subject of the Holocaust...
Activists protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees accused UNRWA of an attempt to teach about the Jewish Holocaust in the human rights curriculum. The activists, representing the Hamas people's committees of the various districts of the Gaza Strip, expressed their anger in the face of this development. They demanded the removal of this material from the 8th grade human rights curriculum.
Coordinator of the people's committees in the Gaza Strip, Hussam Ahmad, told Al-Ayyam that the scientific material included in the curriculum was formulated in a manner favorable towards the Jews... Ahmad warned of a trend towards creating a generation that shows sympathy towards the Jews and towards [concerning] the Holocaust. He stated that the refugees' committees would continue to carry out various activities to deter the agency from its decision.
It should be noted that the peoples' committees of the refugees in the Gaza Strip sent a memorandum to [director of UNRWA operations, John] Ging, demanding the deletion of the subject of the Jewish Holocaust from the human rights study material for 8th grade."
"In all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews"
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), July 17, 2009
Abd Al-Rahman Abbad, Secretary General of the [Palestinian] Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam:
"[Jews] exaggerate every action that other [nations] do against any Jew in the world. In this context is the Holocaust issue, which the whole world still [deals with]. There is a place [in Israel] called "Memorial for Holocaust and Heroism," which tells of the killing of 6 million Jews, but it is known that in all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews." Click here to view
Holocaust a Zionist fabrication
Source: Al-Dustour (Jordan), May 14, 2009
"Come over here [to Gaza], Pope of the Vatican! Come and see the tragedy of the Palestinian people, instead of going to the Western Wall, instead of going to the so-called Holocaust [museum] - of the fabricated Zionist Holocaust."
PA TV: "So-called memory" of Holocaust victims
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), May 12, 2009
"Various groups in Israel expressed their disappointment at the speech delivered yesterday by Pope Benedict XVI at the Yad Vashem Institute for the commemoration of the so-called memory of those who died in the Nazi Holocaust."
Jews exaggerate the Holocaust for world sympathy
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), May 13, 2005
Ibrahim Mudayris, Official, PA Ministry of Religious Trusts and Religious Affairs:
"In the Nazi war, possibly some [Jews] were killed, possibly some were burned, but they're exaggerating [the Holocaust] in order to win over world media, and world sympathy." Click here to view
Palestinian article: "Marketing Ashes"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Apr. 13, 2001
This article, entitled "Marketing Ashes" and defining the Holocaust as a "fable," appeared just days before Israel's Holocaust Memorial Day in the official Palestinian daily.
“Zionist propaganda has converted [the Holocaust] into a means to produce political and economic benefit... The figure of six million Jews cremated in the Nazi Auschwitz camps is a lie for propaganda... Has this hen, which lays golden eggs for the Jews everywhere, reached its expiration date? ... When Zionism cannot find an enemy to separate and repel the Jews, it invents such an enemy; and so was the case with the Holocaust.”
"Great" Europeans include Holocaust deniers, Nazi officer
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Feb. 6, 2001
This Palestinian daily described a paper of a research center which gives prominence and support to "great" Europeans who withstood the lies of "world Zionism." This list of Europeans includes two prominent Holocaust deniers, a Nazi officer in World War Two and the leader of an extremist right wing political party.
"The Zaid center . . . published a new research paper titled: 'These are the people who challenged Israel in the last 50 years.' This research surveys the honored. . . European leaders, politicians, and thinkers - against world Zionism and Israel....
Five of the most famous personalities who were known for their opposition to the Zionist pressure: the French leader Charles de Gaulle, past general secretary of the UN and the president of Austria, Kurt Waldheim [a Nazi officer] and the famous English historian David Irving [a Holocaust denier], the new Austrian leader Jorg Heider and the writer and thinker Frenchman Roger Grudie [a Holocaust denier].
...The center points out at the beginning of the paper which was defined as an historical paper for the Arab reader, and in it a thanks, appreciation and recognition to these people and others, among those who defend the rights and justice in the world."
Auschwitz and Dachau were "cleansing sites"
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Nov. 29, 2000
Dr. Issam Sissalem, history lecturer, Islamic University Gaza, Palestinian expert on Jews and Judaism, appearing on PA TV educational program "Pages From Our History":
"Lies surfaced about Jews being murdered here and there, and the Holocaust. And of course these are all lies and unfounded claims. There was no Dachau, no Auschwitz! [They] were cleansing sites... They began to publicize in their propaganda media that they were persecuted, murdered and exterminated... Committees acted here and there to establish this entity [Israel- Ed.], this foreign entity, implanted as a cancer in our country, where our fathers lived, where we live, and where our children after us will live. They always portrayed themselves as victims, and they made a Center for Heroism and Holocaust. Whose heroism? What Holocaust? It is our nation which is heroic, the holocaust was against our people... We were the victims, but we shall not remain victims forever." Click here to view
Exaggeration of Jewish Holocaust "has exceeded all limits"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 19, 2000
"Many of the enlightened and the politicians of Europe and America have already been disgusted by the extortion of the Jews and it is quite clear that they have a deep tendency to be free of the yoke of memory which is mixed with terror, especially after it has been known that the Jewish explanation exaggerating the Holocaust, has exceeded all limits and reached a level of imagination of things that could never happen."
Yad Vashem Museum commemorates "the Holocaust and the lies"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Feb. 18, 1999
Crossword Clue: "Jewish Center commemorating the Holocaust and the Lies"
Solution: "Yad Vashem " [Israel's Holocaust Memorial Center]
Libel: Holocaust a fable utilized to win empathy
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), July 2, 1998
"The winds blew in their favor, when the persecution against them by the Nazi Hitler started, and when what Hitler did to them was stronger than their programs and the international Jewish media that were under their control, they exploited it in the best possible way, and the show began. They began to distribute horrific pictures of mass shooting being committed against them and to fabricate the shocking story about gas ovens, [in] which, according to their claims, Hitler would burn them [the Jews]. Newspaper columns began to fill with pictures of Jews being cut down by Hitler's machine guns, and of Jews being led to the gas ovens. In these pictures they concentrated on women, children and the elderly. And they took advantage of this in order to arouse empathy towards them, while they demanded monetary compensation, grants and contributions from all over the world. The truth is that the persecution of the Jews is a false fable that the Jews called the disaster of the "Holocaust."
And although it is possible that Hitler's attack against the Jews hurt them slightly, it also clearly served them to the point where even today they reap its benefits. This was the front door to winning American and European support and realizing their dream and their plans. "
Abbas: Story of 6 million cremated Jews is propaganda
Source: The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas, Feb. 15, 1984
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement" (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):
"Having more victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege to join the negotiation table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over. However, since Zionism was not a fighting partner -- suffering victims in a battle -- it had no escape but to offer up human beings, under any name, to raise the number of victims, which they could then boast of at the moment of accounting…
It seems that the interest of the Zionist to inflate this figure so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions -- fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand."
Mahmoud Abbas's thesis: Zionists were Nazi allies
Source: The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas, Feb. 15, 1984
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement" (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):
"A partnership was established between Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement... [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine."
To see examples of the Palestinian libel: Jews perpetrated holocausts, click here.
Holocaust denial and distortion
Holocaust libels and misappropriation
Palestinians from both Fatah and Hamas have accused Israel of burning Palestinians in ovens, and alternatively have accused Zionists of committing the Holocaust against Jews for political, financial or social gain. A PA TV children’s broadcast taught that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens, and at an exhibit in Gaza children put dolls in a model oven adorned with a Star of David and a swastika.
A PA daily wrote: "The exhibit includes a large oven and inside it small [Palestinian] children are being burned; the picture speaks for itself,” as if the exhibit was documenting something true. [Al-Ayyam, March 20, 2008] The event was sponsored by the Palestinian “National Committee for Defense of Children from the Holocaust.”
Topics on this page
1- Libel: Jews committed Holocaust against selves
2- Libel: Jews continually perpetrate holocausts
3- Libel: Israeli Holocaust-like crimes in 1948
1- Libel: Jews committed Holocaust against se... View All
Jews planned Holocaust to kill handicapped Jews
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 18, 2008
"The Satanic Jews thought up an evil plot [the Holocaust] to be rid of the burden of the disabled and handicapped, in twisted criminal ways. While they accuse the Nazis or others so that the Jews would seem persecuted, and try to benefit from international sympathy... The Israeli Holocaust - the whole thing was a joke, and part of the perfect show that Ben Gurion put on, focusing on [bringing] strong and energetic youth [to Israel], while the rest - the disabled, the handicapped, and people with special needs - they were sent [to die]." Click here to view
Zionists participated in Holocaust for political gain
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), June 24, 2003
“Coming back to the suffering and tribulations caused by the Nazis, we would read hair-raising things about the entanglement of the Zionist leaders in the “sacrifice” of many Jews, in order to kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand to be rid of those who disagreed with them [i.e., Jews opposed to Zionism] and, on the other, to push all the Jews to immigrate to Palestine, since Europe had become an unbearable Hell … I would like to say that, based on the above, the Jewish - or more accurately Zionist - willingness to sacrifice Jews for the above-mentioned cause is a known historical tradition.”
PA cleric: Jews planned Holocaust
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Sept. 21, 2001
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Madi, PA cleric:
"Another example of [the Jews'] malicious deeds is the so-called "Holocaust," the slaughter of the Jews by the Nazis. According to research texts and researchers, this crime was committed against certain Jews and was planned as policy by the Jewish leaders." Click here to view
Libel: Holocaust a fable utilized to win empathy
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), July 2, 1998
"The winds blew in their favor, when the persecution against them by the Nazi Hitler started, and when what Hitler did to them was stronger than their programs and the international Jewish media that were under their control, they exploited it in the best possible way, and the show began. They began to distribute horrific pictures of mass shooting being committed against them and to fabricate the shocking story about gas ovens, [in] which, according to their claims, Hitler would burn them [the Jews]. Newspaper columns began to fill with pictures of Jews being cut down by Hitler's machine guns, and of Jews being led to the gas ovens. In these pictures they concentrated on women, children and the elderly. And they took advantage of this in order to arouse empathy towards them, while they demanded monetary compensation, grants and contributions from all over the world. The truth is that the persecution of the Jews is a false fable that the Jews called the disaster of the "Holocaust."
And although it is possible that Hitler's attack against the Jews hurt them slightly, it also clearly served them to the point where even today they reap its benefits. This was the front door to winning American and European support and realizing their dream and their plans. "
Mahmoud Abbas's thesis: Zionists were Nazi allies
Source: The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas, Feb. 15, 1984
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement" (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):
"A partnership was established between Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement... [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine."
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2- Libel: Jews continually perpetrate holocau... View All
PA libel: "Israel constantly commits new holocausts"
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Mar. 3, 2008
Najat Abu-Bakr, Fatah, Member of PA Parliament:
"This enemy [Israel] constantly commits new holocausts, everywhere and at all times."
Israel commits new holocausts
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Mar. 3, 2008
Najat Abu-Bakr, a Fatah member of Palestinian Legislative Council:
"This enemy [Israel] constantly commits new holocausts, everywhere and at all times."
Israel conducts Nazi-like experiments on prisoners
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2007
Newspaper editorial citing report by Abd Al-Nasser Farawna, director of department of statistics in PA Ministry of Prisoner Affairs:
"We have many examples of experiments conducted by the Nazis, but we shall bring one example that exhibits a great similarity [to the alleged Israeli experiments]: They would insert poisons into the prisoners' food in order to study the effect of the poisons on people, with the purpose of performing autopsies on the bodies of those who died from the poison. [Farawna] mentioned multiple cases of mass poisoning of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in several Israeli prisons and detention centers. He did not rule out the possibility that the mass poisonings were carried out deliberately."
Israelis cause Holocaust-like suffering
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Sept. 20, 2004
“Genocide inside camps and cities
Massacres outside and through cities
In the name of terror
innocents die…”
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3- Libel: Israeli Holocaust-like crimes in 19... View All
Zionist gangs planned racial cleansing of Palestinians
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), May 13, 2009
“[The town of] Tira and its inhabitants are known for having resisted the Zionist gangs which annihilated Palestinians as part of the greatest expulsion that took place in the previous century… The villagers went out in groups, in fear of the cruelty of the Jewish terrorist groups…
This story [of the family of Ahmed Jumaa Renam] is like what many of the historians say, who have confirmed that all the plans of the Zionist gangs were programs for racial cleansing against the Palestinians.
"Judaism arose over cascades of Palestinian blood," said Jumaa.
PA libel: Israel burned Arabs alive in War of Independence
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), May 10, 2008
"The Zionist militias employed every means of extermination – murder, demolition, rape and burning people alive."
[Note: There is no historical basis or record of such events, nor have any such accusations ever been leveled against Israel until now, 60 years after the events.]
PA libel: Zionist Nazi-like selection for death or deportation
Source: Al-Quds, May 5, 2008
Issa Karake, Head of the Prisoners' Committee in the Palestinian Parliament:
"During the 1948 war the Zionist militias set up internment camps for the civilian population that was detained after being exiled from their villages. These camps were like the camps set up by Nazi Germany during WWII. . . It has been proven that their modus operandi was … to separate them into three groups according to whether they were intended for deportation, execution or detention.”
[Note: There is no historical basis or record of such events, nor have any such accusations ever been leveled against Israel until this latest PA “research” by a Fatah MP, 60 years after the events.]
To see examples of Palestinian admiration for Hitler, click here.
Holocaust denial and distortion
Admiration of Hitler and Nazism
The name Hitler does not carry the stigma in PA society that it does in the West. Both the Hamas weekly and the Fatah PA dailies have written in favorable tones about Hitler. To some Palestinians, the man and his name are worthy of admiration. While it may be surprising to Western observers to see official Palestinian sources presenting Hitler in a heroic light, it is important to note that the revulsion of Hitler that is taken for granted in the West is not true of Palestinian society.
There are even Palestinians whose first name is “Hitler”: Hitler Salah [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 28, 2005], Hitler Abu-Alrab [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Jan. 27, 2005], Hitler Mahmud Abu-Libda [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Dec.18, 2000.] Articles reflecting admiration for Hitler have appeared in both Fatah and Hamas newspapers.

[Husseini inspects Nazi troops] [Hitler with Husseini]
A contributing factor to this admiration may be the history of the Hitler-Arab alliance during the Second World War. The Arab leader from British Palestine, the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, was actively allied with Hitler. The numerous meetings between the Mufti and Hitler, as well as the Mufti’s radio broadcasts urging Muslims to fight alongside the Nazis, are well-documented.
The following are more examples of Hitler admiration amongst PA society:
Hitler honored through PA radio quiz
Source: Radio Voice of Palestine (Fatah), Nov. 27, 2007
Voice of Palestine radio contest
"His golden year was 1940, when his armies invaded Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium and defeated France ... By mid 1942, his country controlled the largest land area in Europe… He refused to surrender and continued to fight for two more years, but, his bitter end came in the spring of 1945 when he took his own life…. Who is he?"
Hamas: Hitler praised the Palestinians as models
Source: Al-Rissala (Hamas weekly), May 18, 2006
The Hamas weekly listed with pride the ways in which different foreign leaders singled out the Palestinians as examples of ideal revolutionaries. The first leader the Palestinian paper cited for praising the Palestinians was Adolf Hitler:
"Adolf Hitler, while exciting the Germans of the Sudetenland - the Sudetenland is a German province that the Allies had annexed to Czechoslovakia after the First World War - told them in his broadcasts: Look at what the Palestinian revolutionaries are doing to Great Britain!"
Palestinians name children after famous Nazi
Source: Al-Ayyam, Nov. 15, 2001
"Woman's Voice" supplement to Al-Ayyam PA daily:
"Sometimes parents name their children with foreign names, due to the father's admiration for a foreign personality. This is the source of the names Rommel [Nazi General] and Napoleon."
“Charmed” Arabs named their children “Hitler”
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Apr. 13, 2000
"Even Adolf Hitler, who after the fall of Nazi Germany turned into a political horror for most writers and artists, during the last decades has started to reestablish his place in the picture. There are some in Britain who defended Hitler and tried to do justice for him. There are elderly people, among them Arabs, who still carry the name Hitler since their fathers, who were charmed by him, linked them [their children] with his name."
Mein Kampf, Palestinian best seller
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 2, 1999
Mein Kampf was rated 6th on the best-seller list among Palestinians in a survey conducted and reported in PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida.
The Holocaust "for more than 60 years
has aroused... controversy and fabrication," writes PA daily
PA media reports opposition
to Holocaust education for Palestinian children
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Rumors are circulating in the Palestinian areas that UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency) is planning to introduce Holocaust education into the Palestinian UNRWA-run schools. Following these rumors, two Palestinian dailies have publicized strong opposition to teaching Palestinian children about the Holocaust:
Daily columnist in official PA daily:
"The Jewish Holocaust is a story about which there is great controversy... a subject that for more than 60 years has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication."
"UNRWA... is absolutely prohibited from dealing with political issues."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 4, 2011]
Muhammad Abu Bakr, deputy head of PLO Department for Refugees:
"[If] UNRWA has introduced studies on the Holocaust, or what is known by that name... it would be a deviation by UNRWA from its commitments and the understandings between itself and the host countries, and this would be a precedent which cannot be ignored... It is unthinkable that we would lead our refugee children in opposing directions."
[Al Quds, March 1, 2011]
Nabila Al-Salah, member of Committee for Defense of the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan:
"Study of the Holocaust in UNRWA schools is disgraceful."
[Al Quds, March 1, 2011]
Zakaria al-Agha, Head of [PLO's] Department for Refugee Issues:
"[objected] to teaching the subject of the Holocaust in UNRWA's schools."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 21, 2011]
Holocaust denial and distortion have been part of the Palestinian discourse for many years. Clearly, a decision was made not to include it in Palestinian education, where is has never been mentions. None of the Palestinian schoolbooks, which are produced by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education, mention the Holocaust or the Nazi persecution of Jews. For example, a new 12th grade Palestinian history book goes into great detail about the Second World War. It even has sections on the Nazi racist ideology and the Nuremberg trials, yet it does not mention that Jews were the target of the Nazi racism.
For PMW's report on the lack of Holocaust education in PA schoolbooks, click here.
PA schoolbooks: WWII without a Holocaust
History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, grade 12, p. 147 - Sept. 1, 2009
PA schoolbooks: WWII without a Holocaust
Palestinian schoolbooks discuss in great historical detail the events of World War II, but in all of the PA history texts the Holocaust is ignored as if it never happened. It is clear that PA educators made an active decision to leave the Holocaust out of history. The newest PA history book The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century (Grade 12), sets forth the military and political development of the Second World War; it cites Nazi racist ideology and restrictions placed on "inferior" non-Aryan nations, and even describes the post-war trials of "senior Nazi leaders as war criminals.” But it makes no mention of the Holocaust or of Jews, nor does it mention the crimes for which the war criminals were on trial. Teaching the history of the Second World War in detail without mentioning the Holocaust, persecution of Jews, or the genocide is a very efficient form of Holocaust denial. The Holocaust is simply expunged from history.
The following are excerpts from the PA history book for grade 12 on the Second World War and Nazism.
Book Title: The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, for Grade 12. Published in 2006 by PA Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Page 123: Lesson 3 – Racial Discrimination
“Race Theory evolved during the thirties of the previous century, when the Nazi movement appeared in Germany in 1933 and divided the nations into superior and others who were inferior. It espoused the superiority of the Aryan race, from which the Germans originated, passed racist laws and limited work positions to Germans alone, with the inference that [only] they are equal in their rights and obligations, while others are subject to special laws, which were imposed on them with the inference that they were foreigners in their [German] land."
Pages 23-48: Section Two – World War I and World War II
Page 37: Lesson 3 – The international circumstances between the two world wars (1918-1939)…
Page 37: The severity of conditions imposed by the peace accords…
Page 37: The economic crisis…
Page 38: The rise of dictatorial governments
“With the worsening of the economic and social crisis following World War I and the failure of the governments to deal with it, some of the peoples found themselves standing on the side of the dictatorial rule, which promised to find an effective treatment for their internal and external problems… This led to some states being governed by a dictatorial rule, for example Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan.”
Page 40: Lesson 4 – World War II (1939-1945)
Page 40: The Immediate Cause: “The immediate cause of World War II was the establishment of a corridor, which connects Poland with the Danzig Port, of 25 miles in width, which disconnected Eastern Prussia from Germany.”
Pages 44-45: The End of the War (1942-1945)
[Teaching of the El Alamein battle; the defeat of the Axis forces, Japan’s defeat and the dropping of the atom bomb.]
Pages 45-46: The Peace Accords (1945-1947) – Potsdam Conference in 1945;…
“The Allied states established an international court to bring to trial the senior Nazi leaders as war criminals.” (Pg 46)
As is seen from this extensive education about the Second World War, the PA educators made an active decision to avoid teaching their students that there was a Holocaust.
For PMW's latest report on Palestinian schoolbooks, click here.
In 2009, when the issue of teaching the Holocaust in Palestinian UNRWA-run schools was discussed, UNRWA "strongly denied rumors" that it planned to teach the Holocaust material in its human rights curriculum:
"UNRWA Commissioner-General, Karen Abu Zayd, strongly denied rumors that UNRWA will be teaching the subject of the Holocaust as part of its curriculum. At a press conference held in Gaza today, she stated that the human rights curriculum will not be altered. Abu Zayd, who accompanied Christian Berger, the European Commission Representative, on a tour of the fishing harbor in Gaza, said that UNRWA is developing the human rights curriculum [in its institutions] and is developing study material dealing with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
[PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2009]
The following are the current reports about the rumors and the opposition to Holocaust education, as reported in two Palestinian dailies.
Examples from the PMW archives of Palestinian Holocaust denial and distortion follow the current news items below.
Yihya Rabah, daily column in official PA daily:
"In recent days several reports have been leaked indicating that UNRWA is planning to introduce material on the Jewish Holocaust into the mandatory curriculum for its schools in Palestine and in all the countries hosting Palestinian refugees under UNRWA supervision...
I sincerely hope that this plan will not succeed, for several reasons:
First, UNRWA at present, by virtue of its function and its authority, always says that it is absolutely prohibited from dealing with political issues, and that it zealously protects its neutrality and professionalism...
Second, everyone knows that the story of the Jewish Holocaust is a story about which there is great controversy, and in the heart of Europe - even in the heart of the Jewish communities themselves- there are people who do not accept the Israeli narrative concerning the Holocaust. Why should UNRWA push itself into a subject that for more than 60 years has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication, especially since hundreds of millions of people in the world suffered the tragedies of the Second World War...
The Palestinian people does not want UNRWA to succumb to any kind of pressure, nor for it to be the tool for carrying out a mistaken policy, such as this plan."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 4, 2011]
"In an interview with Al-Quds, [Deputy head of the PLO Department for Refugees, Muhammad] Abu Bakr responded to reports that UNRWA has introduced studies on the Holocaust, or what is known by that name, in its schools. He noted that there is no exact information as to the truth of these reports, but if this happens, it would be a deviation by UNRWA from its commitments and the understandings between itself and the host countries, and this would be a precedent which cannot be ignored...
He added: 'We support any measure which will lead to enrichment of the study curriculum with information and innovations in the spheres of science, culture, human rights and history, on the basis of conformity with the prevailing reality in the learning environment of the circles within which the Palestinian refugees study - which is obviously their natural environment. It is unthinkable that we would lead our refugee children in opposing directions, whether by means of study curricula or by other means...'
Nabila Al-Salah, a member of the Committee for Defense of the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan, said that study of the Holocaust in UNRWA schools is disgraceful, and opposed to UNRWA's educational goals. She noted that study of the Holocaust serve the Zionist narrative at the expense of the refugee issue and the issue of the Palestinian people."
[Al-Quds, March 1, 2011]
"Head of [PLO's] Department for Refugee Issues, Zakaria al-Agha... emphasized his objection to teaching the subject of the Holocaust in UNRWA's schools."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 21, 2011]
The following are examples of Palestinian Holocaust denial, distortion and opposition to educating youth about the Holocaust from the PMW archives:
Headline: "Gaza: Activists accuse UNRWA of attempting to teach about Jewish Holocaust in curriculum for human rights"
"Director of the Education Department of the Aid Agency [UNRWA], Mahmoud Al-Hamdiat, denied that there was any intention on the part of the agency to teach material on the subject of the Holocaust...
Activists protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees accused UNRWA of an attempt to teach about the Jewish Holocaust in the human rights curriculum. The activists, representing the Hamas people's committees of the various districts of the Gaza Strip, expressed their anger in the face of this development. They demanded the removal of this material from the 8th grade human rights curriculum.
Coordinator of the people's committees in the Gaza Strip, Hussam Ahmad, told Al-Ayyam that the scientific material included in the curriculum was formulated in a manner favorable towards the Jews... Ahmad warned of a trend towards creating a generation that shows sympathy towards the Jews and towards [concerning] the Holocaust. He stated that the refugees' committees would continue to carry out various activities to deter the agency from its decision.
It should be noted that the peoples' committees of the refugees in the Gaza Strip sent a memorandum to [director of UNRWA operations, John] Ging, demanding the deletion of the subject of the Jewish Holocaust from the human rights study material for 8th grade."
[Al-Ayyam, Aug. 31, 2009]
Abd Al-Rahman Abbad, Secretary General of the [Palestinian] Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam:
"[The Israeli separation fence is a symptom of] the Jewish mindset, a mindset controlled by the [idea of the] ghetto. The ghetto means living in an isolated neighborhood only for Jews. That's why they cannot live with other groups because they believe that their culture and religion obligate them to have contacts only among themselves, based on an attitude of superiority towards others. That's why they did not live, for example, in the West, in separate neighborhoods, but lived in what is called 'a ghetto.' The ghetto was not forced upon them, as is thought, rather, they were the ones who forced it upon themselves. This [separation] fence is not just one fence, there are many fences. Look at the [Israeli] city Lod, for example, or Ramle. There is no mixing between different population groups who are all Israeli citizens. There is separation. The reason for this is the Israeli mentality, the ghetto mentality, the mentality of rejection of 'the other,' and refusal to coexist with him...
[Jews] exaggerate every action that other [nations] do against any Jew in the world. In this context is the Holocaust issue, which the whole world still [deals with]. There is a place [in Israel] called 'Memorial for Holocaust and Heroism,' which tells of the killing of 6 million Jews, but it is known that in all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews."
[PA TV (Fatah), July 17, 2009]
[Note: The Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam is headed by Ikrima Sabri, former Palestinian Authority Mufti of Jerusalem under Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.]
Click here to view
"Various groups in Israel expressed their disappointment at the speech delivered yesterday by Pope Benedict XVI at the Yad Vashem Institute for the commemoration of the so-called memory of those who died in the Nazi Holocaust."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 12, 2009]
Najat Abu-Bakr, Fatah member of PA Parliament:
"This enemy [Israel] constantly commits new holocausts, everywhere and at all times."
[PA TV (Fatah), March 3, 2008]
Click here to view
Narrator: "'The disabled and handicapped are a heavy burden on the state,' said the terrorist leader, Ben Gurion [Israel's first PM]. The Satanic Jews thought up an evil plot [the Holocaust] to be rid of the burden of the disabled and handicapped, in twisted criminal ways. While they accuse the Nazis or others so that the Jews would seem persecuted, and try to benefit from international sympathy, they were the first to invent the methods of evil and oppression."
Amin Dabur, head of the Palestinian "Center for Strategic Research":
"About the Israeli Holocaust - the whole thing was a joke, and part of the perfect show that Ben Gurion put on, focusing on [bringing] strong and energetic youth [to Israel], while the rest - the disabled, the handicapped, and people with special needs - they were sent [to die]... if it can be proven historically. They were sent [to die] so there would be a Holocaust, so Israel could 'play' it for world sympathy."
Narrator: "The alleged numbers of Jews [killed in the Holocaust] were merely for propaganda."
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), April 18, 2008]
Click here to view
Ibrahim Mudayris, Official, PA Ministry of Religious Trusts and Religious Affairs:
"In the Nazi war, possibly some [Jews] were killed, possibly some were burned, but they're exaggerating [the Holocaust] in order to win over world media, and world sympathy."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 13, 2005]
Click here to view
To see more examples of Palestinian Holocaust denial and distortion from the PMW archives, click on the following links:
To see more examples of Palestinian Holocaust denial, click here.
Holocaust denial and distortion
Holocaust denial
Holocaust desecration, denial, and abuse, are all components of Palestinian Authority ideology. A PA TV children’s broadcast taught that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens, and at an exhibit in Gaza children put dolls in a model oven adorned with a Star of David and a swastika. A senior Palestinian academic taught adults on PA TV: “There was no Dachau, no Auschwitz; these were disinfecting sites.” A Hamas TV documentary explained that it was Jewish leaders who planned the Holocaust, in order to eliminate Jews who were "disabled and handicapped”.
A crossword puzzle clue in the official PA daily identified “Yad Vashem” (Israel’s Holocaust memorial) as a “Center for the Holocaust and Lies.” The same PA daily has published many articles denying the Holocaust, including one that termed the Holocaust a “hen laying golden eggs.”
Schoolbooks produced by the Palestinian Ministry of Education teach the history of World War II in great detail except for the history of the Holocaust, which is totally ignored. One history book goes so far as to teach that Nazism was a racist ideology and that there were trials of Nazi war criminals, but it leaves out that Jews were the target of the racism, and the crimes for which the Nazis were on trial.
Palestinian education erases the actual Holocaust from history and usurps the word “Holocaust” for its own wide range of malicious libels.
This video depicts a PA TV children’s play teaching that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens.
"They [Israel] are the ones who did the Holocaust,
their knife cuts to the length and the width of our flesh...
They opened ovens for us, to bake human beings.
They destroyed the villages and burnt the cities.
And when an oven stops burning, they light a hundred [more] ovens.
Their hands are covered with the blood of our children."
[PA TV (Fatah), March 25, 2004]
The following are more examples of Palestinian Authority Holocaust desecration, denial, and abuse:
PLO official opposes Holocaust education in Palestinian UNRWA-run schools
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Mar. 21, 2011
"Head of [PLO's] Department for Refugee Issues, Zakaria al-Agha... emphasized his objection to teaching the subject of the Holocaust in UNRWA's schools."
Click to view bulletin
PA daily: The Holocaust "for more than 60 years has aroused ... controversy and fabrication"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Mar. 4, 2011
In response to rumors that UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency) is planning to introduce Holocaust education into the Palestinian UNRWA-run schools, Palestinian dailies have publicized strong opposition to teaching Palestinian children about the Holocaust. Daily columnist in official PA daily:
"The Jewish Holocaust is a story about which there is great controversy... a subject that for more than 60 years has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication."
"UNRWA... is absolutely prohibited from dealing with political issues."
Click to view bulletin
PA daily: Study of the Holocaust in Palestinian UNRWA-run schools is "disgraceful"
Source: Al-Quds, Mar. 1, 2011
Muhammad Abu Bakr, deputy head of PLO Department for Refugees:
"[If] UNRWA has introduced studies on the Holocaust, or what is known by that name... it would be a deviation by UNRWA from its commitments and the understandings between itself and the host countries, and this would be a precedent which cannot be ignored... It is unthinkable that we would lead our refugee children in opposing directions."
Nabila Al-Salah, member of Committee for Defense of the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees in Jordan:
"Study of the Holocaust in UNRWA schools is disgraceful."
Click to view bulletin
PA schoolbooks: WWII without a Holocaust
Source: History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, grade 12, p. 147, Sept. 1, 2009
Palestinian schoolbooks discuss in great historical detail the events of World War II, but in all of the PA history texts the Holocaust is ignored as if it never happened. It is clear that PA educators made an active decision to leave the Holocaust out of history. The newest PA history book The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century (Grade 12), sets forth the military and the political events of the Second World War; it cites Nazi racist ideology and restrictions placed on "inferior" non-Aryan nations, and even describes the post-war trials of "senior Nazi leaders as war criminals.” But it makes no mention of the Holocaust or of Jews, nor does it mention the crimes for which the war criminals were on trial. Teaching the history of the Second World War in detail without mentioning the Holocaust, persecution of Jews, or the genocide is a very efficient form of Holocaust denial. The Holocaust is simply expunged from history.
Click on FULL ARTICLE to read the schoolbook texts that bypass the Holocaust.
Hamas refuses to include Holocaust in UN curriculum
Source: Al-Ayyam, Aug. 31, 2009
Headline: "Gaza: Activists accuse UNRWA of attempting to teach about Jewish Holocaust in curriculum for human rights"
"Director of the education department of the aid agency [UNRWA], Mahmoud Al-Hamdiat, denied that there was any intention on the part of the agency to teach material on the subject of the Holocaust...
Activists protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees accused UNRWA of an attempt to teach about the Jewish Holocaust in the human rights curriculum. The activists, representing the Hamas people's committees of the various districts of the Gaza Strip, expressed their anger in the face of this development. They demanded the removal of this material from the 8th grade human rights curriculum.
Coordinator of the people's committees in the Gaza Strip, Hussam Ahmad, told Al-Ayyam that the scientific material included in the curriculum was formulated in a manner favorable towards the Jews... Ahmad warned of a trend towards creating a generation that shows sympathy towards the Jews and towards [concerning] the Holocaust. He stated that the refugees' committees would continue to carry out various activities to deter the agency from its decision.
It should be noted that the peoples' committees of the refugees in the Gaza Strip sent a memorandum to [director of UNRWA operations, John] Ging, demanding the deletion of the subject of the Jewish Holocaust from the human rights study material for 8th grade."
"In all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews"
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), July 17, 2009
Abd Al-Rahman Abbad, Secretary General of the [Palestinian] Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam:
"[Jews] exaggerate every action that other [nations] do against any Jew in the world. In this context is the Holocaust issue, which the whole world still [deals with]. There is a place [in Israel] called "Memorial for Holocaust and Heroism," which tells of the killing of 6 million Jews, but it is known that in all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews." Click here to view
Holocaust a Zionist fabrication
Source: Al-Dustour (Jordan), May 14, 2009
"Come over here [to Gaza], Pope of the Vatican! Come and see the tragedy of the Palestinian people, instead of going to the Western Wall, instead of going to the so-called Holocaust [museum] - of the fabricated Zionist Holocaust."
PA TV: "So-called memory" of Holocaust victims
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), May 12, 2009
"Various groups in Israel expressed their disappointment at the speech delivered yesterday by Pope Benedict XVI at the Yad Vashem Institute for the commemoration of the so-called memory of those who died in the Nazi Holocaust."
Jews exaggerate the Holocaust for world sympathy
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), May 13, 2005
Ibrahim Mudayris, Official, PA Ministry of Religious Trusts and Religious Affairs:
"In the Nazi war, possibly some [Jews] were killed, possibly some were burned, but they're exaggerating [the Holocaust] in order to win over world media, and world sympathy." Click here to view
Palestinian article: "Marketing Ashes"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Apr. 13, 2001
This article, entitled "Marketing Ashes" and defining the Holocaust as a "fable," appeared just days before Israel's Holocaust Memorial Day in the official Palestinian daily.
“Zionist propaganda has converted [the Holocaust] into a means to produce political and economic benefit... The figure of six million Jews cremated in the Nazi Auschwitz camps is a lie for propaganda... Has this hen, which lays golden eggs for the Jews everywhere, reached its expiration date? ... When Zionism cannot find an enemy to separate and repel the Jews, it invents such an enemy; and so was the case with the Holocaust.”
"Great" Europeans include Holocaust deniers, Nazi officer
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Feb. 6, 2001
This Palestinian daily described a paper of a research center which gives prominence and support to "great" Europeans who withstood the lies of "world Zionism." This list of Europeans includes two prominent Holocaust deniers, a Nazi officer in World War Two and the leader of an extremist right wing political party.
"The Zaid center . . . published a new research paper titled: 'These are the people who challenged Israel in the last 50 years.' This research surveys the honored. . . European leaders, politicians, and thinkers - against world Zionism and Israel....
Five of the most famous personalities who were known for their opposition to the Zionist pressure: the French leader Charles de Gaulle, past general secretary of the UN and the president of Austria, Kurt Waldheim [a Nazi officer] and the famous English historian David Irving [a Holocaust denier], the new Austrian leader Jorg Heider and the writer and thinker Frenchman Roger Grudie [a Holocaust denier].
...The center points out at the beginning of the paper which was defined as an historical paper for the Arab reader, and in it a thanks, appreciation and recognition to these people and others, among those who defend the rights and justice in the world."
Auschwitz and Dachau were "cleansing sites"
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Nov. 29, 2000
Dr. Issam Sissalem, history lecturer, Islamic University Gaza, Palestinian expert on Jews and Judaism, appearing on PA TV educational program "Pages From Our History":
"Lies surfaced about Jews being murdered here and there, and the Holocaust. And of course these are all lies and unfounded claims. There was no Dachau, no Auschwitz! [They] were cleansing sites... They began to publicize in their propaganda media that they were persecuted, murdered and exterminated... Committees acted here and there to establish this entity [Israel- Ed.], this foreign entity, implanted as a cancer in our country, where our fathers lived, where we live, and where our children after us will live. They always portrayed themselves as victims, and they made a Center for Heroism and Holocaust. Whose heroism? What Holocaust? It is our nation which is heroic, the holocaust was against our people... We were the victims, but we shall not remain victims forever." Click here to view
Exaggeration of Jewish Holocaust "has exceeded all limits"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 19, 2000
"Many of the enlightened and the politicians of Europe and America have already been disgusted by the extortion of the Jews and it is quite clear that they have a deep tendency to be free of the yoke of memory which is mixed with terror, especially after it has been known that the Jewish explanation exaggerating the Holocaust, has exceeded all limits and reached a level of imagination of things that could never happen."
Yad Vashem Museum commemorates "the Holocaust and the lies"
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Feb. 18, 1999
Crossword Clue: "Jewish Center commemorating the Holocaust and the Lies"
Solution: "Yad Vashem " [Israel's Holocaust Memorial Center]
Libel: Holocaust a fable utilized to win empathy
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), July 2, 1998
"The winds blew in their favor, when the persecution against them by the Nazi Hitler started, and when what Hitler did to them was stronger than their programs and the international Jewish media that were under their control, they exploited it in the best possible way, and the show began. They began to distribute horrific pictures of mass shooting being committed against them and to fabricate the shocking story about gas ovens, [in] which, according to their claims, Hitler would burn them [the Jews]. Newspaper columns began to fill with pictures of Jews being cut down by Hitler's machine guns, and of Jews being led to the gas ovens. In these pictures they concentrated on women, children and the elderly. And they took advantage of this in order to arouse empathy towards them, while they demanded monetary compensation, grants and contributions from all over the world. The truth is that the persecution of the Jews is a false fable that the Jews called the disaster of the "Holocaust."
And although it is possible that Hitler's attack against the Jews hurt them slightly, it also clearly served them to the point where even today they reap its benefits. This was the front door to winning American and European support and realizing their dream and their plans. "
Abbas: Story of 6 million cremated Jews is propaganda
Source: The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas, Feb. 15, 1984
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement" (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):
"Having more victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege to join the negotiation table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over. However, since Zionism was not a fighting partner -- suffering victims in a battle -- it had no escape but to offer up human beings, under any name, to raise the number of victims, which they could then boast of at the moment of accounting…
It seems that the interest of the Zionist to inflate this figure so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions -- fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand."
Mahmoud Abbas's thesis: Zionists were Nazi allies
Source: The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas, Feb. 15, 1984
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement" (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):
"A partnership was established between Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement... [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine."
To see examples of the Palestinian libel: Jews perpetrated holocausts, click here.
Holocaust denial and distortion
Holocaust libels and misappropriation
Palestinians from both Fatah and Hamas have accused Israel of burning Palestinians in ovens, and alternatively have accused Zionists of committing the Holocaust against Jews for political, financial or social gain. A PA TV children’s broadcast taught that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens, and at an exhibit in Gaza children put dolls in a model oven adorned with a Star of David and a swastika.
A PA daily wrote: "The exhibit includes a large oven and inside it small [Palestinian] children are being burned; the picture speaks for itself,” as if the exhibit was documenting something true. [Al-Ayyam, March 20, 2008] The event was sponsored by the Palestinian “National Committee for Defense of Children from the Holocaust.”
Topics on this page
1- Libel: Jews committed Holocaust against selves
2- Libel: Jews continually perpetrate holocausts
3- Libel: Israeli Holocaust-like crimes in 1948
1- Libel: Jews committed Holocaust against se... View All
Jews planned Holocaust to kill handicapped Jews
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 18, 2008
"The Satanic Jews thought up an evil plot [the Holocaust] to be rid of the burden of the disabled and handicapped, in twisted criminal ways. While they accuse the Nazis or others so that the Jews would seem persecuted, and try to benefit from international sympathy... The Israeli Holocaust - the whole thing was a joke, and part of the perfect show that Ben Gurion put on, focusing on [bringing] strong and energetic youth [to Israel], while the rest - the disabled, the handicapped, and people with special needs - they were sent [to die]." Click here to view
Zionists participated in Holocaust for political gain
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), June 24, 2003
“Coming back to the suffering and tribulations caused by the Nazis, we would read hair-raising things about the entanglement of the Zionist leaders in the “sacrifice” of many Jews, in order to kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand to be rid of those who disagreed with them [i.e., Jews opposed to Zionism] and, on the other, to push all the Jews to immigrate to Palestine, since Europe had become an unbearable Hell … I would like to say that, based on the above, the Jewish - or more accurately Zionist - willingness to sacrifice Jews for the above-mentioned cause is a known historical tradition.”
PA cleric: Jews planned Holocaust
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Sept. 21, 2001
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Madi, PA cleric:
"Another example of [the Jews'] malicious deeds is the so-called "Holocaust," the slaughter of the Jews by the Nazis. According to research texts and researchers, this crime was committed against certain Jews and was planned as policy by the Jewish leaders." Click here to view
Libel: Holocaust a fable utilized to win empathy
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), July 2, 1998
"The winds blew in their favor, when the persecution against them by the Nazi Hitler started, and when what Hitler did to them was stronger than their programs and the international Jewish media that were under their control, they exploited it in the best possible way, and the show began. They began to distribute horrific pictures of mass shooting being committed against them and to fabricate the shocking story about gas ovens, [in] which, according to their claims, Hitler would burn them [the Jews]. Newspaper columns began to fill with pictures of Jews being cut down by Hitler's machine guns, and of Jews being led to the gas ovens. In these pictures they concentrated on women, children and the elderly. And they took advantage of this in order to arouse empathy towards them, while they demanded monetary compensation, grants and contributions from all over the world. The truth is that the persecution of the Jews is a false fable that the Jews called the disaster of the "Holocaust."
And although it is possible that Hitler's attack against the Jews hurt them slightly, it also clearly served them to the point where even today they reap its benefits. This was the front door to winning American and European support and realizing their dream and their plans. "
Mahmoud Abbas's thesis: Zionists were Nazi allies
Source: The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas, Feb. 15, 1984
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement" (Translation by Wiesenthal Center):
"A partnership was established between Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement... [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine."
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2- Libel: Jews continually perpetrate holocau... View All
PA libel: "Israel constantly commits new holocausts"
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Mar. 3, 2008
Najat Abu-Bakr, Fatah, Member of PA Parliament:
"This enemy [Israel] constantly commits new holocausts, everywhere and at all times."
Israel commits new holocausts
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Mar. 3, 2008
Najat Abu-Bakr, a Fatah member of Palestinian Legislative Council:
"This enemy [Israel] constantly commits new holocausts, everywhere and at all times."
Israel conducts Nazi-like experiments on prisoners
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2007
Newspaper editorial citing report by Abd Al-Nasser Farawna, director of department of statistics in PA Ministry of Prisoner Affairs:
"We have many examples of experiments conducted by the Nazis, but we shall bring one example that exhibits a great similarity [to the alleged Israeli experiments]: They would insert poisons into the prisoners' food in order to study the effect of the poisons on people, with the purpose of performing autopsies on the bodies of those who died from the poison. [Farawna] mentioned multiple cases of mass poisoning of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in several Israeli prisons and detention centers. He did not rule out the possibility that the mass poisonings were carried out deliberately."
Israelis cause Holocaust-like suffering
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah), Sept. 20, 2004
“Genocide inside camps and cities
Massacres outside and through cities
In the name of terror
innocents die…”
Click here to view
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3- Libel: Israeli Holocaust-like crimes in 19... View All
Zionist gangs planned racial cleansing of Palestinians
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), May 13, 2009
“[The town of] Tira and its inhabitants are known for having resisted the Zionist gangs which annihilated Palestinians as part of the greatest expulsion that took place in the previous century… The villagers went out in groups, in fear of the cruelty of the Jewish terrorist groups…
This story [of the family of Ahmed Jumaa Renam] is like what many of the historians say, who have confirmed that all the plans of the Zionist gangs were programs for racial cleansing against the Palestinians.
"Judaism arose over cascades of Palestinian blood," said Jumaa.
PA libel: Israel burned Arabs alive in War of Independence
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), May 10, 2008
"The Zionist militias employed every means of extermination – murder, demolition, rape and burning people alive."
[Note: There is no historical basis or record of such events, nor have any such accusations ever been leveled against Israel until now, 60 years after the events.]
PA libel: Zionist Nazi-like selection for death or deportation
Source: Al-Quds, May 5, 2008
Issa Karake, Head of the Prisoners' Committee in the Palestinian Parliament:
"During the 1948 war the Zionist militias set up internment camps for the civilian population that was detained after being exiled from their villages. These camps were like the camps set up by Nazi Germany during WWII. . . It has been proven that their modus operandi was … to separate them into three groups according to whether they were intended for deportation, execution or detention.”
[Note: There is no historical basis or record of such events, nor have any such accusations ever been leveled against Israel until this latest PA “research” by a Fatah MP, 60 years after the events.]
To see examples of Palestinian admiration for Hitler, click here.
Holocaust denial and distortion
Admiration of Hitler and Nazism
The name Hitler does not carry the stigma in PA society that it does in the West. Both the Hamas weekly and the Fatah PA dailies have written in favorable tones about Hitler. To some Palestinians, the man and his name are worthy of admiration. While it may be surprising to Western observers to see official Palestinian sources presenting Hitler in a heroic light, it is important to note that the revulsion of Hitler that is taken for granted in the West is not true of Palestinian society.
There are even Palestinians whose first name is “Hitler”: Hitler Salah [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 28, 2005], Hitler Abu-Alrab [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Jan. 27, 2005], Hitler Mahmud Abu-Libda [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Dec.18, 2000.] Articles reflecting admiration for Hitler have appeared in both Fatah and Hamas newspapers.

[Husseini inspects Nazi troops] [Hitler with Husseini]
A contributing factor to this admiration may be the history of the Hitler-Arab alliance during the Second World War. The Arab leader from British Palestine, the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, was actively allied with Hitler. The numerous meetings between the Mufti and Hitler, as well as the Mufti’s radio broadcasts urging Muslims to fight alongside the Nazis, are well-documented.
The following are more examples of Hitler admiration amongst PA society:
Hitler honored through PA radio quiz
Source: Radio Voice of Palestine (Fatah), Nov. 27, 2007
Voice of Palestine radio contest
"His golden year was 1940, when his armies invaded Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium and defeated France ... By mid 1942, his country controlled the largest land area in Europe… He refused to surrender and continued to fight for two more years, but, his bitter end came in the spring of 1945 when he took his own life…. Who is he?"
Hamas: Hitler praised the Palestinians as models
Source: Al-Rissala (Hamas weekly), May 18, 2006
The Hamas weekly listed with pride the ways in which different foreign leaders singled out the Palestinians as examples of ideal revolutionaries. The first leader the Palestinian paper cited for praising the Palestinians was Adolf Hitler:
"Adolf Hitler, while exciting the Germans of the Sudetenland - the Sudetenland is a German province that the Allies had annexed to Czechoslovakia after the First World War - told them in his broadcasts: Look at what the Palestinian revolutionaries are doing to Great Britain!"
Palestinians name children after famous Nazi
Source: Al-Ayyam, Nov. 15, 2001
"Woman's Voice" supplement to Al-Ayyam PA daily:
"Sometimes parents name their children with foreign names, due to the father's admiration for a foreign personality. This is the source of the names Rommel [Nazi General] and Napoleon."
“Charmed” Arabs named their children “Hitler”
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Apr. 13, 2000
"Even Adolf Hitler, who after the fall of Nazi Germany turned into a political horror for most writers and artists, during the last decades has started to reestablish his place in the picture. There are some in Britain who defended Hitler and tried to do justice for him. There are elderly people, among them Arabs, who still carry the name Hitler since their fathers, who were charmed by him, linked them [their children] with his name."
Mein Kampf, Palestinian best seller
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 2, 1999
Mein Kampf was rated 6th on the best-seller list among Palestinians in a survey conducted and reported in PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida.
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