Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is North Korea A Paper Tiger?

From Foreign Policy:

Is North Korea a Paper Tiger?

If so, it's one with a bit more roar than you think.

JUNE 5, 2009

USFK Story Brief, 2005 Red menace: In recent years, Pyongyang has deployed ever more troops to the border with South Korea.


North Korea's

latest spate of brinkmanship -- including everything from nuclear and missile

tests to bombastic rhetoric -- one cannot help but wonder how worried we should

be. Suddenly, military confrontation or worse, full-scale conflict on the

Korean Peninsula, looks less like a far-off nightmare and more like an impending

threat. If it happened, what kind of punches could North Korea throw?


assume that the country's military -- like its people -- has been starved by

the regime's isolation. But the opposite is true: The key reason why the

populace is so short on resources (particularly fuel and food) is because the

majority of these have been routed directly to troops. As easy as

it seems to dismiss the starved country and its sickly leader, North Korea's

conventional military has adjusted to dire economic times and is far more

capable than many analysts realize. Pyongyang's armed forces, not just its

nukes, could wreak havoc on the region.

There are two aspects of today's North Korean

military that warrant a careful look. The first is the near two-decades-old build up

of North Korea's asymmetric forces (in this case, forces that carry out

unconventional missions). The second matter is reorganization -- much of which

has resulted in a significant portion of the conventional forces being moved

closer to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) such that they are perpetually poised to

attack the South.

North Korea has three types of asymmetric forces poised to attack

South Korea,

organized into long-range artillery units, short-range ballistic missile units

(SRBMs), and Special Operations Forces. In the first case, Pyongyang's long-range artillery includes

indigenously produced versions of Soviet 240-mm multiple rocket launchers and

170-mm guns. The country has significantly beefed up the numbers of both weapons

systems along the DMZ since the late 1990s. And because the systems have ranges

of 40,000 meters or more, this means that at least 250 of them are now

positioned in range of Seoul.

They could target the South Korean capital and surrounding areas in Kyonggi

province on a moment's notice. And to exacerbate the threat, between 5 and 20

percent of the systems are thought to be equipped with chemical munitions.

All this means that the potential damage from

artillery alone, according to estimates from both South Korean and U.S. Defense

officials, could reach 200,000 casualties -- and that's just on the first day of

an attack. If war broke out, North Korea's artillery could shell Seoul, South Korea's political,

commercial, and cultural center, back to the 1980s in a matter of hours.

North Korean Country Handbook, U.S. Department of Defense, May 1997 The path to invasion: If North Korea struck the South, its troops might enter in here.


ballistic missiles are the second asymmetric component of North Korea's

arsenal. Since the 1990s, Pyongyang

has worked to enhance its ballistic missile capability in numbers, command and

control, and doctrine. The North Koreans now possess 200 No Dong missiles and

more than 600 SCUDs, the latter with ranges between 300 and 850 km -- enough to

target literally every inch of the South Korean landmass. North Korea has also added

the SS-21 system, an old Soviet platform, to its missile arsenal. Known as the

KN-02, this indigenously produced version of the SS-21 uses solid fuel and can

be moved very quickly. With a range of at least 120 km and greater accuracy than

most other missiles, it could easily target U.S. bases south of Seoul.


first two components -- artillery and missile -- would be used in tandem if an

attack took place, thanks to a reorganization

of North Korea's

military during the late 1990s. Both types of forces are now commanded by

artillery officers, who would (in accordance with their training doctrine)

consider missile systems to simply be artillery systems with a longer range and

would target them accordingly. In an attack, many of North Korea's artillery

systems might aim for Seoul and much of the surrounding province, while simultaneous

missile attacks hit every key node in South Korea.

As for North Korea's

Special Operations Forces (SOFs), South Korean estimates now place their numbers at as

many as 180,000 men. North Korean SOFs

are probably among the best- trained, best fed, and most motivated of all the

forces in their military. They routinely undergo intense training that includes

carrying 50 pounds of sand for 10 km in one hour, hiking in extreme

cold weather, martial arts methodologies that include fighting with three to 15

opponents, and even using spoons and forks as weapons. Troops also engage in

intense marksmanship training and even daily knife-throwing training. They can attack quickly,

reaching key nodes in South Korea by aircraft, through tunnels in the DMZ, or

even by maritime vessel.


combined use of North Korea's

asymmetric forces would almost certainly incite panic during any attack on the

South. In the confusion, it is possible that enough cracks might open in South

Korea's and the United States' defenses to allow Northern maneuver forces

(infantry, armor, and mechanized forces) to move forward and take ground. (It

is no coincidence that, over the past 15 years, North Korea has moved many of its

conventional forces to forward positions -- often near invasion corridors along

the border.) Put all this together, and an attack would inflict casualties to

the tune of hundreds of thousands -- the majority of them civilian and many in


Despite the primitive state of many of North Korea's systems compared with those of the

United States and South Korea, Pyongyang's ability to make creative use of

its limited resources is indeed alarming. The world

would do well to look beyond just the nukes.

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